ive added a ton of new blocks and mobs :D still trying t oadd every placeable block in minecraft
wow great men good alpha but too many dislikes :C but me like you :D +1
ohhhhhh i get it. the world i made was just an example world though, the use of this save is so that you can make your own minecraft world.
@powder_generator he means that you would build 3 or more maps with this one as the center one and you would have signs on the sides of the save that would say move right or move left to move around.
im not sure if i underdtand your suggestion. but thank you for the support :)
wow, this looks really cool.a suggestion is to make it have links to other areas and some electronics that actvate when you press down on a stickman taht light up lcd 1,2,3 ect. and then you can buy stuff that you can use free in your saves.cant wait when done.+1