...because hearing it from the creator is usually best, I would like to clarify that the streamlines merely provide a visual aid. They are there only to show the path of the beam. One can easily see the beam in any air mode such as velocity or heat. They are not necesssary for the device to work.
It.. somewhat stood up. The thing bored a huge hole in your wall alloy before the heat just gave up and went right through it, to the other wall.
SO COOL 1+ best weapon in tpt
Precicly. It just so happens to be that when exotic becomes warp, it generates enormous amounts (max heat/max pressure).
hmmm...so pressure moves heat? no no no...in ambient for tpt i recall soemthing said that in ambient air ecame a thing...so using pressure i guess you move that invisible super heated air.....
so taht means you republshed it....CHEAP...jk but....
i thought your avatar was a cat....FAILL
Turning ambient heat off is optimal for best preformence.
The principle foundations of knowledge dictate that every idea is in itself only that, and idea. It can't be claimed, it can't be bargained for, and it most curtanly can't be placed under one roof. Did I stamp your save and then add lights to it?, no. Did I utilize a reaction that is similar?, yes. Did I copy you?, no. The point is, one can't simply put an idea under their roof. An idea is shared among all, the specific functions and designs utilized can be your's but the idea itself it something without ownership.