Antimatter is created when fundamental particles collide, or when high-velocity electrons pass by elements in our atmosphere during thunderstorms, or just naturally occuring. It is just a simple representation of what an antimatter-matter contact would look like, to the best that TPT can offer. Please go away Death_kid, you are not welcome. You have no idea about what you're talking about. Photons cannot split into other particles. They are a dual-wave force particle, which means that they are made of electromagnetic waves, and are also particles that we can define as a subatomic particle.
to be honest, i think tpt are right, antimmatter is created when a photon has a large amount of energy, creating 2 identical particles, and as soon as those particles come together they annihilate and give out a photon of the exact same energy, also, why would antimatter create plasma?
btw, i think negatron isn't a proper term, it's just anti-proton
I don't think it is 100% efficiency, I forgot where I heard it.
i would explain to you something interesting about space and physics but its so long so just look at my comment on this save please id:1278838