Utilizing the newest in stickman jetpack technology, attempt to land on the platforms!
I did it
Type in the (console is the ~ key) console: tpt.setfpscap (10) and then try to play. Its a lot easier when it is slow. To get the TPT back to normal speed, replace the 10 with a 60.
cool! finally! man can fly!
@Gabers628, did you read the changelog on the website? This has been out in BETA for a while, but this save was made the first day it came out in the official version.
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!1!!!!11!1!!!!!111!!!one!!! I got Insanly Hard!!!!
I found the secret platform! ;)
I ALMOST GOT IT then the jets dissapear and my guy is one leg from reaching the insanely hard platform .
@Demoman200 said "Utilizing the newest in stickman jetpack technology" I'm pretty sure the rocket boots thing has been out for a while but people have only noticed it now..
I see secret platform!!
found the secret platform