214 / 18
5th Jul 2013
7th February
My entry for BuysDB's bank heist contest WARNING: It's extremely slow, taking up to 15-25 minutes to finish. But it is designed to get EVERY gold and pqrt. 2025 Update: Fixed some bugs causing the alarm to set off in recent versions
rober slow pqrt gold pstn robbery bank jacob1 heist 1249335


  • jacob1
    29th May 2014
    Tangle10: what do you mean? it works fine. Or well, it works for the period of time before people get really bored and quit. I added even more protection since I first made it, i've seen it go through the entire thing only failing once halfway through the second column, and even then it still caught itself and went on to the next column with no errors.
  • Tangle10
    27th May 2014
    i love how this doesn't work at all
  • jacob1
    25th May 2014
    sooo ... did anyone here actually make another save that gets any gold? :P
  • Darthanihlus
    24th May 2014
    I used my piston to grab the gold. really simple
  • Knight-Matthias
    14th May 2014
    Hey runemaster if you got it to work then why haven't you posted the save for people to see how well you did?
  • Darthanihlus
    4th May 2014
    runemaster: awesome
  • runemaster
    24th Apr 2014
    Also, I deleted your machine.
  • runemaster
    17th Apr 2014
    This wasn't anything that the Master of Droids couldn't handle. In truth I just threw together a mining laser and grapple arm to grab things and take them up to the surface. It took a while, but I got everything.
  • jacob1
    25th Jan 2014
    It was on there back in July :)
  • agent5551
    24th Jan 2014
    Why isint this on the fp. Or has it allready been their?