214 / 18
5th Jul 2013
7th February
My entry for BuysDB's bank heist contest WARNING: It's extremely slow, taking up to 15-25 minutes to finish. But it is designed to get EVERY gold and pqrt. 2025 Update: Fixed some bugs causing the alarm to set off in recent versions
rober slow pqrt gold pstn robbery bank jacob1 heist 1249335


  • jacob1
    2nd Sep 2014
    it solidifies at the very end
  • Voyager15
    31st Aug 2014
    @JusticeFighter it's still loot, only in liquid form...
  • JusticeFighter
    31st Aug 2014
    doesnt turning the loot into lava somehow defeat the purpose of the ank robbery?
  • Voyager15
    29th Aug 2014
    I know! Destory the alarm using CRAY and virus! You have to disconnect the alarm with CRAY though, and after that you use frame to block the photons. The problem though is I'm not good with automated electronics and stuff like that, so I expect epic falires with my electronics! As you noticed just earlier, I falied to spell the word fail 2 times!
  • jacob1
    29th Aug 2014
    everything always fails. The melter usually starts working again on it's own though. The main problem is when something gets stuck above the crane arm.
  • Tangle10
    21st Aug 2014
    Eventually the melter fails- within the first column.
  • jacob1
    14th Aug 2014
    Voyager15: if you think it's that easy, try doing it then :P
  • Voyager15
    11th Aug 2014
    Ah, cray, portal, electronics, and all that stuff is overrated and complicated. I say just blow the wall to bits, melt the loot, and sweep it up later.
  • MOSH
    1st Aug 2014
    beast !
  • tylerthecreator
    29th May 2014
    lol does a teleporter count!?!