214 / 18
5th Jul 2013
7th February
My entry for BuysDB's bank heist contest WARNING: It's extremely slow, taking up to 15-25 minutes to finish. But it is designed to get EVERY gold and pqrt. 2025 Update: Fixed some bugs causing the alarm to set off in recent versions
rober slow pqrt gold pstn robbery bank jacob1 heist 1249335


  • jacob1
    1st Jul 2015
    Well, in the next version of TPT this will finally be able to get everything :P. I don't remember what score that is, but I Think I used a few CRAY.
  • rmantle
    30th Jun 2015
    MY SCORE 294
  • chillinpenguin311
    30th Jun 2015
    @LandDestroyer OMG jacob1 DOESNT COPY and while yes this is from another save THE SAVE THIS IS FROM IS A COMPETETION (facepalm)
  • chillinpenguin311
    30th Jun 2015
    The alarm went off.
  • janekbe04
    12th Jun 2015
    Check out mine c:1807002
  • MrPhysics
    31st May 2015
    How does it work?
  • jacob1
    31st Mar 2015
    I found the bug, it's a bug in TPT itself caused by burning WOOD. I'll fix it in the code later, then try and find a temporary hack fix for the save ... which may not even be possible.
  • jacob1
    27th Mar 2015
    float_hand_thing: I like how the leaderboard destroys itself :P. The person who ran the contest never updated the save with my score. Anyway, that is creating CO2 not WTRV, and the WTRV seemed to come from the lava pit because it blocked the piston all the way back there.
  • Out
    25th Mar 2015
    Remember when you said you report a save i made? Bank robbery promotes crime, and crime is illiegal. This should be reported due to prmoteing crime
  • float_hand_thing
    25th Mar 2015
    How about the leaderboard? get rid of that and problem solved!