214 / 18
5th Jul 2013
7th February
My entry for BuysDB's bank heist contest WARNING: It's extremely slow, taking up to 15-25 minutes to finish. But it is designed to get EVERY gold and pqrt. 2025 Update: Fixed some bugs causing the alarm to set off in recent versions
rober slow pqrt gold pstn robbery bank jacob1 heist 1249335


  • jacob1
    9th Jul 2013
    looks like the reason it fails is because my original design was designed with getting around an annoying piston glitch (when the crane falls apart at the start), which only needed to happen because I somehow decided I should ram the crane into the back wall in order to align it with the second block of valuables. Of course that didn't work at all and there was a much easier method, so if I remove all that back and forth at the beginning and make it go right to getting the stuff, and then I can set the tmp of the crane's PSTN higher so it shouldn't ever break. Testing now.
  • jacob1
    9th Jul 2013
    errr ... now it just completely fell apart lol.
  • jacob1
    9th Jul 2013
    alright, I cursed myself, but I recently added in protections against it breaking like people are saying, it will keep going after that and can still get all the GOLD in the first column.
  • jacob1
    9th Jul 2013
    i'm running it now to see if it actually breaks, and so far i'm almost to the bottom of the first column and it's going perfectly fine. Better than my previous full test.
  • jacob1
    9th Jul 2013
    nope, i'm both
  • hittox
    9th Jul 2013
    @Knowy nope, he is a developer.
  • alexfoxis
    9th Jul 2013
    i russkiii eeeeeeeeeee
  • Knowy
    9th Jul 2013
    That's because he is a moderator
  • PibbsPlaysPT
    9th Jul 2013
    How is your name in blue?
  • jacob1
    9th Jul 2013
    at one point I had it getting all of the GOLD/PQRT except for 4 loads, I must have broken it later.