214 / 18
5th Jul 2013
7th February
My entry for BuysDB's bank heist contest WARNING: It's extremely slow, taking up to 15-25 minutes to finish. But it is designed to get EVERY gold and pqrt. 2025 Update: Fixed some bugs causing the alarm to set off in recent versions
rober slow pqrt gold pstn robbery bank jacob1 heist 1249335


  • paul001
    11th Jul 2013
    but can you please look at this? id:1254813
  • paul001
    11th Jul 2013
    nm iv given up on building somthing like you have unless its 100 percent simmilar so nm but thnks
  • jacob1
    11th Jul 2013
    meshesmaster: well I figured noone would run it that long, lol. (well, really I tried to fix it a ton and it might only mess up only about two times now in the entire thing) And yeah, that's a bug I guess, but for the actual feature that does that, it's alt+z. Not sure why ctrl+z like that would do the same thing. china-richway2: temp of what is too high? Let me test in the offifial version, I was noticing some differences in heat conduction before, but I thought I heated up my photons enough to get around it. paul001: sure, I guess. Which piece?
  • paul001
    11th Jul 2013
    please may i use a piece of this there is no other choice
  • china-richway2
    11th Jul 2013
    The temperature is too high, so the alarm went off... and your laser... where is it...
  • meshesmaster
    11th Jul 2013
    glitch or awesome tool? press+hold z - press+hold ctrl - let go of z - let go of ctrl.
  • meshesmaster
    11th Jul 2013
    It does'nt work :p it only gets the first row.
  • jacob1
    11th Jul 2013
    yes, I know. But I should also maybe thinking about redoing my bio section or something ...
  • Schneumer
    11th Jul 2013
    by changing it i mean you have to put this save on you front page list :D
  • UC17
    10th Jul 2013
    amazing, i dont have the time/patence/understanding to do anything this awesome, +1!