Hi everyone! Im back with my new creation. That one is mostly an art save, even tho i didnt plan that :p. I messed a bit with lightning which makes the whole place really climatic. Hope you enjoy!
Class D for Disposable :P
scp-wiki.net to see al the scps and things
@burningkid no they arent researchers, the class D are test subjects they use from death row and are terminated at the end of the month, and replaced by new ones, the real redearchers are the guys who watch the class D mostly die to figure out mostly how the scp items work, or how they react to x or y
I just laugh how it says ass.
@gabers628. if pewdiepie was here he would say *YOU PU**Y CAT!* lolololol..
Scp-173 opens button doors. Screw everything I cannot live ever again in scp-173. If I do play, I usually scream at the top of my lungs when i see something move. But I soon find out that it was me opening a door :3.
@doritostaco. oh. so class D is researchers? (i mean those people are researchers) hmmm.. they should use class D on Mr crazyman.. :D lol just a made up guy..
yeah in the game he can open doors but just the button ones
And then he procedes to get in my face. *quit* B****!
(GASP) I see him and he's frozen in front of the door button! He was going to close ME in! That little F***ER!