167 / 34
2nd Jul 2013
22nd Mar 2014
Hi everyone! Im back with my new creation. That one is mostly an art save, even tho i didnt plan that :p. I messed a bit with lightning which makes the whole place really climatic. Hope you enjoy!
dataexpunged redacted scpfoundation secure keter base foundation safe euclid peanut173


  • Epsylon
    21st Mar 2014
    It's a bad idea to contain safe SCPs in one room.
  • megamageiii
    21st Mar 2014
    NukeEmAll: 173 can get anywhere via the air vents. Play the game.
  • vxcvbzn
    21st Feb 2014
    SCP!?! YAY!!! :D
  • NukeEmAll
    25th Jan 2014
    173 is actually pretty easy to contain. You just maintain direct eye contact and dont blink. Any testing is run by atleast 2 Class-D personnel or one SCP personnel with help of SCP-131 instances. As long as you maintain eye contact hes harmless. Every single place in the facility is safe, because 173 cant breach through his gate by itself. 173 is really not a threat. Keter-class SCPs like SCP-682, SCP-106 or SCP-354 are a real deal. Srry for the long comment.
  • 987tails
    20th Jan 2014
    wait not 096 i meant 173
  • 987tails
    20th Jan 2014
    CAN somepony tell me all the things u need to know about 096 what is he? how do u make him mad? what places in the facily are safe? and whats that other dude in the other cell?
  • 2992fuzi
    15th Sep 2013
    dont matter what they all say, this is great, and deservs +1 from everyone who visits it
  • cyberdragon
    16th Aug 2013
    SCP-173 most definately opens doors...what version are you in? It's only in the most recent (where the intro starts in a cell)
  • NukeEmAll
    12th Aug 2013
    So, to answer your questions. First. 096 does not "open" doors. He uses his abnormal strength to just tear them apart. It has been reported that he ripped through 50cm steel door in 3 minutes. Second, K-ASS is indeed supposed to mean KETER CLASS, but one of the holders covers the CL, and makes it say K-ASS. Lol. THAT AS NOT INTENDED XD
  • Fromanotherplanet
    5th Aug 2013
    "ASS" is suposed to be part of K-CLASS, Which means Keter-Class. The creator of this save just blocked the C and L off for fun. :)