155 / 39
25th Jun 2013
14th Feb 2014
No Description provided.
electronic neutron virus cells samrrr


  • jacob1
    30th Jun 2013
    samrrr: i'm not an admin, it's actually only blue because i'm a moderator. So I can't do that, adding new searches is something the admin (simon) would have to do.
  • BlueComet
    29th Jun 2013
    Hey, I made something like this but with antibody-producing white blood cells. If you want to check it out the id is 1243226. I got the idea for a virus and cells from samrrr, so I don't take credit for that.
  • wingnut10
    29th Jun 2013
    btw i think boyl is best anti-virus surround any infected cells in boyl and it prevents spreading
  • asthepanda3
    29th Jun 2013
    i mutated the virus,i tried using photons to stop the nuetrons,it worked but ended up making a new virus.
  • samrrr
    29th Jun 2013
    jacob1 you have blue name why? if your admin please make users rating(in game) example in server searsh "rang:100 150" to show users have highthest score 100-150 (only if users active in this week)
  • asthepanda3
    29th Jun 2013
    I tried the EMP solution but it made all the cells explode(yes i know what a EMP is)
  • Alfa
    29th Jun 2013
    tried making cells immune putting noble in the cel and it was infected by noble then started cloning neut .-.
  • Alfa
    29th Jun 2013
    samrr you should fix the grammar on the signs it made me want to delete them xD
  • jacob1
    29th Jun 2013
    I tried uninstalling my antivirus once and it said: "please enter the uninstall password" o_O. I wasn't even the one that installed it. I had to do some registry edit or something to remove it.
  • samrrr
    29th Jun 2013
    cmcgee1213 yes))