The fifth district in the capital of the Imperatus, it contains the Olympia Opera House, a section of the Financial center with the J.M Roland, Garrison, and Fielder Towers and a myriad of underground structures for varying purposes. Fully Blowupable
alright awsome, and the reason of why i dont like goo, is cause usually its left after my experimenting, so its kindof anoying, and glass would not be a bad idea actually (shatters aswell as goo).
I almost always replace the goo with glass, so it melts under heat.
@bio The reason I use goo is because it 'shatters' under pressuere that is realistic for the scale, TTAN doesn't, and i usually opt for the more destructable, realistic materials. It's not supposed to be strong, but destructable. :P Thanks for the comment though, I appreciate feedback. ^_^ And yes, after District 1 I plan on moving into more spec-like stuff (Including ships)
man i love your cities, the only thing i have to suggest is to change goo for something else, like ttan or something, and also, i think the next thing you should do is to creat imparatian ships and fleets, as every mighty empire has one, and it makes sence ya know :P
I like how in your description you sounded all proffessional-like while describing the city and then you ended it with "fully blowupable" haha, Great save and +1
just figured out that he uses his own baseplates to help himself to build citys. smart
ill have to say that i like to blow this up alot
sometimes if i dont wanna nuke the bunkers and citys i look at i put deut or plut in anything with nutrons. the results are very amusing.
Cool, but type into the console: "!set type bmtl neut" its really cool!
brilliant but buildings break real fast