A moon colony complete with a Bio-dome to filter Co2, a rocket ship with an fueling port, and a recator to keep the base online! Please leave feedback and suggestions in the comments section! Thanks! :) Special thanks to Demplex for the ground texture!
Well technically, the moon program is over.
very good but some few corections. the ship doesnt use oil it uses liquid hydrogen and lyquid oksygen :) and they dont make space shurtles at the moon they used that apollo 11 stuff and how did they even get a space ship there?:D
I do play maplestory, Windia! :D
hmm ... well it can't be copied from id:1029329 since credit was given, and looking at 294319 and 1147663, they are similar too but not exactly like this. There's also a lot of new in this save so i'm going to say it's not stolen, so it can stay.
now what should have done is make it like the blak ops zombie moon base
Cahp Chap: This is mission commander. we are ready to take off. BSSSSHHHH lift off! 10 hours in space later.. Houston we have a problem! one of our oxygen tanks are leaking. GOD! we are running out of air! help help (nom nom nom umm macaroni) HELP HELP HELP HEPO HEEEPOP HEEEPOOOOO HELPLPOPOPOPLPLPL (CHOKE CHOKE CHOKEEE) *tombstone* Houston: FU** we lost 3 crew in the shuttle. whatado now.
I suggest you make some living quarters
squAple its all plants tht give off o2 well most of them its part of the way they work
just some stats... it is not trees that give o2 its blue green algea :D
EPIC LOGO :DD do you play maplestory or did you just randomly found that picture somewhere if you do play. then what server.. NAD OH +1