(WIP) hey people are you bored of having normal solids try using ligi-solid s its amaizing! EDIT: for some people the moving solid wont work paste this on the console tpt.el.dmnd.gravity=2 and tpt.el.dmnd.falldown=2
this is really cool
And Pixel, you are the worst kind of person.
how is this not front page or even very many views?!?!?!
oh wait im sorry pixel 99 ive seen that code before but i was not into sharing that time nor commenting i always use that code to
and im realy in to lua codes
i comment to others really slowly belive me im in a much diferent time zone
actualy no sorry
Did you get this idea from my save about moving solids that was fp a while ago? Because if you did, I would like credit.
im working on the sequel the amaizing solidified liquids still must be shared (there goes over night again uhh)
one last thing after looking all of this close tpt and open it or else have liquisolids until you close and reopen it again