Ask in the comments if you want a logo, if yuo want it in caps, lower case, any specific colour, big, small, medium or made of any material or anything else i`ll try my best to make you happy. :)
JUST ASK! I will make any :D
oh okay!
hey TNC i was thinking u and me should do a duo logo maker together 1 of us sendsw the page and we both make logos, u send the page and when i make logos i will give u the id so u can put it on this and when u make a logo u just put it straight on :)
people come on ask 4 1 they r good look at mine on the logo page on this save!!!!
anyone wanna logo?
yours is done wafar12! check the logo page and save it off the page!
sure hang on! what type?
caps medium
can u make me 1 :)