Ask in the comments if you want a logo, if yuo want it in caps, lower case, any specific colour, big, small, medium or made of any material or anything else i`ll try my best to make you happy. :)
And by the way, make it all uppercase.
Nugs on the left and World on the right.
Can you make me a nuclear explosion that has my name coming out the middle?
(the mock version u find in the 3rd trial i think)
make me a logo with maxwell on it.. from brave frontier
@michal. mic? Minecraft mic? @kox. Suure! @bugattiman468 , Sorry.. I couldnt. Go to metalforces work shop!
can you make me one thats a bugatti from front corner view with flashing headlights and underneath it it says bugattiman468
cud u make kox on the logo (moving photons)
could you make a logo with mineceraft mic on it, any kind
these are handmade...