Ask in the comments if you want a logo, if yuo want it in caps, lower case, any specific colour, big, small, medium or made of any material or anything else i`ll try my best to make you happy. :)
if you xplain I will definately try.
hang on. whats a anime logo? do you mean animel or animation?
can you make me an anime logo??? im getting tired of ppl saying that they dont do anime logos.
look on the logo maker logo page to find it
its ready, in red and gold!
sure. be ready any time soon
Can you make me a bounceing PHOT logo? i want the F and the M capitalized. and can you make the fez and the monkey stacked on top of each other? EXAMPLE: Fez Monkey oh, and make it colerful please. Thanks!
hey do u want me to try the my little pony TNC?
Hey, can you make me one of thoe boucing-back-and-forth PHOT logos? (Medium, all caps plz)
okay, ill try! (its the most complex yet)