19th Jan 2013
20th Jan 2013
Its a WIP so far... I may need help from some people for logs/cars and stuff!
Oh, I see
they do, they are just 2/3 blocks long
Wait, scratch that first part. I see u fixed it.
Good job. Also I dont think the "frog" should be able to go off the edge, cause it doesn't happen in the real game and second, I think the cars need to run by themselves so mabey put like a timer to go off every second or so to make the cars go and give the frog a chance to get across.
U like?
id is 1073492
I did it. Let me get the id.
You know that tpt crate thing? can you make a large one to cover the top 5 rows? just give me the id when you do, thanks!
And I think u need to add water too. Like make the background of part of the electronics blue. Something like that.
I see u added the car but how does the "frog" die. It just messes up the electronic pattern when the frog crosses the cars path.