14th Jan 2013
23rd Jan 2013
This is not a competition club or assignment club, you just ask to join; if you make stuff that you want more people to see or you need help making something, just have me add a link to it. You can add the Vintage Games logo on your saves if you want to.
can i join ?
ok, thnks dom
if you wanna use the concet of this save, you can. I created self building eletronics! 1073051
mine neither :(
nah, skype won't work on my computer for some reason
Oh, do u have skype?
I need help with the game. :D
yeah, why?
Vintage, are ya there?
@dom: they dont have to be actual "vintage games" they could just be games. so, the 20 questions game would be very cool! and it can be either you or multiple people. And i'll check out the galaga electronics. I have some previous electronics from older accounts i used