5 / 0
12th Jan 2013
6th Oct 2013
i made this and was able to make it happen again, so i saved it. it goes from hydrogen and oxygen, to PLASMA, with absolutely NO ctype, to water vapor with a CTYPE of fire. the plasma even looks different if you look closely, and resembles glowy smoke
food unusual transformation changes weird bizzar unique strange ctype reaction


  • SamDwich
    2nd Jun 2021
    hydrogen and oxygen make water when combusting
  • Mr_Random
    3rd May 2014
    Hydrogen+Oxygen=Water, Look at water's chemical structure, H2O, 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen. When burning the two, you get fusion which creates water. Science FTW
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    6th Oct 2013
    The plasma has a TMP of 3. Try it with any old plasma - just scribble PLSM around everywhere, and open up the console and enter !set tmp all 3. It will turn into water! :)
  • CobaltYash
    6th Oct 2013
    even though everyone knows about this, i still find it so fascinating.
  • CobaltYash
    6th Oct 2013
    but how interesting right? that they don't even use a ctype....
  • Turtuline
    25th Mar 2013
    The hidrogen and oxigen fuse together while burning causeing plazma AND water vapor. I just made it XD
  • spoogda4
    2nd Mar 2013
    I was about to say the WTRV has a ctype of FIRE, but then I read the description XD
  • CobaltYash
    12th Jan 2013
    Please comment!