266 / 27
7th Dec 2012
7th Dec 2012
A moon forwarding towards its planet.
artgod collision explosion fire moon meteorite planet kjbh gdsg destroyable


  • jacob1
    8th Dec 2012
    I don't know. Some people just don't like to see art on the front page. Everyone has different preferences. This was removed from front page now anyway.
  • Dovahking
    8th Dec 2012
    Why do people hate it just because its art? i know this is a physics simulator but sill, this is awesome!
  • dundark
    8th Dec 2012
    i destroyed it with dest its functionless art meaning its stupid and useless
  • thepowderdustflame
    8th Dec 2012
    why are you telling me? my comment was 'epicness, 1+' not 'this deserves fp, it is awesome art, it is functionless but who cares'...and my comment was like 7 comments under your one...
  • tothemyers
    8th Dec 2012
    @thepowderdustflame I dunno why the "functionless art" is on the front page. Is your deco layer on? Because this art is freaking amazing. But, oh yes, it's functionless. They should take it off the front page as they burn the Mona Lisa. Because, after all, they're both functionless... *sarcasm detector activated*. Oh good, that's still working.
  • logomixer34
    8th Dec 2012
    if you change the brick to coal it spontanesly combuts
  • cyberdragon442
    8th Dec 2012
    Pasted...probably pasted. -_-
  • Jesusfreak4sure
    8th Dec 2012
    how does people do art like this?
  • jedi4334gothacked
    7th Dec 2012
    This is acually epic.
  • jacob1
    7th Dec 2012
    I tend to not remove things only because I dislike them, why would I ever do that?I just let all kinds of things be on fp. There are things I don't like up here right now, but I don't really care. Eventually they get old though.