304 / 50
5th Dec 2012
12th Feb 2013
What will happen
true realtrue raly0true funny lolsotrue intelligent gotitright tkjapproves positivity


  • jacob1
    9th Dec 2012
    JoshinatorKy: lol, only a few billion people will die from that volcano, nothing big..... Of course, even though that would ruin civilization and possibly send us back to older times, it's still not the 'end of the worls'. And anyway, this save agrees nothing will happen. And if we forsaw, "oh, a planet is about to hit us", there is little we can do with our current technology. same with the volcano but if we are more advanced by the time, we might be able to do something.
  • attackjax
    9th Dec 2012
    in 2012 a meteor is gonna pass by super close but not enough to hit us
    9th Dec 2012
    LOL you are right! XD
  • cheeseyburger
    9th Dec 2012
    the sun is is in da backround
  • wipyman
    9th Dec 2012
    Why is the sun smaller than the Earth? The sun is almost 109 times larger. Q.Q
  • konrad5000
    9th Dec 2012
    yes you have rigt XD
  • newantonipieter
    9th Dec 2012
    for use shield for become to spach shuttle for use has avoid to asteroid has you again for use super big shield for powder toy!.
  • Dovahking
    9th Dec 2012
    Its not "nibiru" or whatever its called thats supposed to end the world its volcanoes and earthquakes, also im pretty sure that people changed it into our your system so they invented leap years and calculated that the 13 baktoon or whatever its called is 2012 thats with leap years
  • tydubz
    9th Dec 2012
    So truth
  • fdkill
    9th Dec 2012
    You're right, feynman.