304 / 50
5th Dec 2012
12th Feb 2013
What will happen
true realtrue raly0true funny lolsotrue intelligent gotitright tkjapproves positivity


  • tothemyers
    9th Dec 2012
    Uh, jacob? I did a bit of research on the polar shift. You are right, except that they don't mean that the magnetic field will go away - it happens every 100,000 years or so - if the magnetic field went away for a couple of years, so much radiation and UV and other cosmic radiation would hit the earth that all life would be destroyed. That never happened, so it means that during a polar shift, there is a magenetic field, just not as we know it today.
  • jacob1
    9th Dec 2012
    Energywelder: polar shifts don't effect where the contininets are ... it won't move them at all. The only bad effect though, will be that maybe for a few years the magnetic feild around our planet will go away, and I think that would create some bad effects. Yaggdra_Syl: it was @TheDarkStar. I deleted it.
  • Intercalaris
    9th Dec 2012
    hahahaha oh feynmann, check your creative players club PLEASE
  • Yggdra_Syl
    9th Dec 2012
    Someone tagged this "authorhasnobrain". Who did that? He's completely right: nothing will happen. I believe this sort of thing has been predicted many times before; are we dead? No, we are still alive and thinking (most of us).
  • Paul99
    9th Dec 2012
    119 votes :O
  • 0901290
    9th Dec 2012
    here is my version, hope you dont mind me using the idea lol save id: 1032593
  • Erops19
    9th Dec 2012
    Loosing the moon... Nobody noticed that our moon keeps the axis of the Earth straight? If we loose the straightness of the earth's axis, the seasons will be messed up, and there will be zones of the Earth with 200 C, -50 C... That would really kill the life on Earth... Another thing to add to the list of "Things that are gonna destroy the Earth"Also, the end of the world IS REAL. And last year was also, and last year, and last year... Every winter Solstice was the end of the world for the mayans, the same way that 31 of December is the end of the year for us. The "end of the world" was a party, a holiday, don't forget to felicitate the end of the world!
  • Zombiejerry
    9th Dec 2012
    If yellowstone errupts, humans could easily survive ash storms. We can make oxygen for ourselves.
  • 0901290
    9th Dec 2012
    wow, 114 votes already!?!?!
  • luik147
    9th Dec 2012
    Because if you think the oceans wil move because of the spin or something, remember that the earth is already spinning at 1,038 miles per hour :)