2 / 0
29th Nov 2012
29th Nov 2012
Changelog : Removed reactor in preparation for replacement trials (any ideas for a perpetual power reactor are welcome [must be highly explosive when damaged]), numerous other things removed, main gun beam power increased x2.


  • RaveKutsuu
    21st Jan 2013
    It fires perfectly numerous times, I'll add instructions for correct operation of the main gun once the power core is finished and installed.
  • cain
    29th Nov 2012
    um it melted and only fired once you should fix that
  • RaveKutsuu
    29th Nov 2012
    Starting trials for a replacement power core soon (the original was just to test power flow and system reaction). Once a replacement reactor design can be found that meets the criteria (TBA), then work shall begin on a tractor beam/field.