26th Nov 2012
13th Jan 2013
A fusion plant for testing purposes. View in mode 8. Enjoy! (Basic)Usage: 1. spark 'pressurize'. 2. Spark the auto pilot (green button). Cool the reactor using the destiller (A) and/or the air cooler (B). Read forum thread for more details.
go to the my own section, right click a save to select it (or click the box inside), and then there should be a button that appears on the bottom to delete it. If that doesn't work (I usually don't do this, but I assume it works) click open in browser and delete it there.
@jacob1 How do I delete my saves? I have some I want to get rid of.
I only had it there for less than an hour though.
@jacob1 it was on front page.. Crap, I missed it.
no, 404 was created by Simon, it shows when a save isn't found. I pinned the actual 404 save created by him onto the front page to see what people would say. But you can't comment on that save, he disabled it. lol
Sailnir is still here. were having a (me) moment. D:> It must be contagious. >:)
So...a save died? Rest In Pieces. *rimshot* Or are you having a (me) moment? *rimshot...again*
maybe I should remove it now... it's save 404 though, try typing in id:404, it's a real save
or trolololo
A save just bit the dust. Or Jacob has been hacked. 0_0...D:>