57 / 31
14th Nov 2012
30th Nov 2012
A german armoured patrol ambushed along the porder by polish troops. This is my first save, hope you guys like it, i will make more with or without views.
ww2 notpointless war fire wwii germans 1939 polish poles battle


  • Noah10267
    16th Nov 2012
    I agree with jasiu, "MORE DETAILS"
  • Paul99
    16th Nov 2012
    How many poles does it take to make a big hole in the ground? 7.
  • GoldenGentleman
    16th Nov 2012
    thanks jasiu and STORM, but yeah, i need to add more detail, i though about decorating the germans arms to red, to show they are SS troops, but i though that may be too contreversial, and as for the polish, i dont remember any of their division singles
  • STORM100
    16th Nov 2012
    Im polish and i think this should have more detail.
  • jasiu2002
    16th Nov 2012
    Good art, but needs more detail. I mean you could add something so you can see who is Polish and who is German
  • jacob1
    16th Nov 2012
    no, normally art is removed from the front page. You are extremely lucky to have it survive the mods and the downvoters. This isn't completely art though... it does use fire and other elements like that. I don't normally remove things though, but... this really won't stay too long probably.
  • GoldenGentleman
    16th Nov 2012
    if its because of that rage war thing, that isnt my fault! i dont control every powder toy user do i!
  • GoldenGentleman
    16th Nov 2012
    and why on earth would they do that?
  • stray_walnut
    16th Nov 2012
    Why haven't mods taken this down?
  • GoldenGentleman
    16th Nov 2012
    and thanks for first page guys, its nice to have my first save on the first page, and im making another right now! excapt this times things are going tropical....