Yeah, he doesn't have any saves posted. Oh, thats england time. Your mod should contain in game time converter.
No, actually this save is so old, it doesn't even have a date with it. Some glitch just makes it say the current time (at least in england, and in tpt++, it says the current time at your location), Marbdy doesn't even play anymore.
Wow, srry if marbdy is mad. considering its telling me this save was last posted at 1 oclock in the morning. Oh, well. We didn't say anything bad about you.
I think you posted over 14 pages
Well, Im here. Wheres cyberdragon442. Wait, we said how many messages in here.
yep, I wonder if anyone else has noticed yet. Not many people come here, but every once in a while they will. Less come now that id:1 is broken
jacob1, you found our chat room.
lol, over 160 comments, even though this save is private, a lot of people do still find it. I was doing a test to see if id:1 was fixed in tpt++ yet (it wasn't), then tried it in my mod, and found this convo. It's fine though. And marbdy is gone, I doubt he's ever coming back.