
From The Powder Toy
Revision as of 02:00, 21 October 2022 by ResupplyCabinet (talk | contribs) (Added way for water to be released)
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SPNG.png Sponge
Section Solids
Spawn temperature 22°C
Heat Conductivity 100%
Relative weight 100
Gravity 0
Acid dissolve rate 3%
Flammability 20
State Solid
High temperature FIRE.png above 2456.85°C
Source code

A sponge, absorbs water. Turns darker when water is absorbed. Burns when exposed to fire or at temperatures above 2450. Water can be released under high pressure, when it has absorbed too much water (Life 50), or when it is burnt with fire.

It used to be a moving solid, but it is not a moving solid anymore due to bugs with it.

When sponge absorbs salt water, it may drop SALT. When absorbing BUBW, it releases CO2. When absorbing PSTE, the PSTE gets turned into CLST.

Language: [[::Element:SPNG|English]]