
From The Powder Toy
Revision as of 01:04, 2 November 2022 by Jakav (talk | contribs) (Completely changed the main content and description of the element)
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LSNS.png Life Sensor
Section Sensors
Spawn temperature 4°C
Heat Conductivity 0%
Relative weight 100
Gravity 0
Acid dissolve rate 0.1%
Flammability 0
State Solid
Source code

LSNS creates a SPRK.png when there is an element near to it with a life greater than its temperature, at a range of its tmp2. It creates the SPRK.png at a range of 2 pixels where there is no INSL.png blocking. LSNS can also serialize, deserialize, or affect particles that instead have less life than its temperature with its tmp. LSNS does not conduct heat and cannot be destroyed with heat, pressure, or fire.

Tmp Modes

When LSNS has a tmp of 2, it will instead check for a life less than its temperature, but all other functions will be the same. When the tmp of LSNS is 1, it will serialize life values from elements within its range into FILT.png directly next to it. When the tmp is 3, it will deserialize from FILT.png within the range of its tmp2 onto elements directly next to itself.

Other Information

When a particle is layered above LSNS, no modes will affect or involve that particle.

This tutorial save shows how to use the serialisation feature for sensor elements.

Language: [[::Element:LSNS|English]]