Powders are movable particles, for example, sand.
Color: beige
Temp: 22.00
Light particles. Flammable but the fire is weak and does not catch easily. Turns into FWRK when bombarded with NEUT.
Color: grey
Temp: 22.00
Heavy particles. Melts at 710°C
Color: very light blue
Temp: -8.00
Light particles. Snow is the result of pressure applied to Ice. Can be heated into WATR.
Color: grey
Temp: 22.00
Heavy particles. Stronger than stone and hard to melt. Melts at 850c. It is rigid, where it can be built on top of its self into straight wallswithout crumbling, unlike other powders.
Color: white
Temp: 22.00
Meltable at high temperatures. Soluble in water. Melts at 900C. Turns water into saltwater on contact.
Broken Metal
Color: rust
Temp: 22.00
Broken metal, like rust in powder form, heavy, conductive. If broken metal is melted and cooled down slowly, it can make Breakable Metal. Obtained through rusting of IRON or BMTL or by exposing BMTL to extreme pressures.
Burning Thermite will also form molten breakable metal.
Forms Thermite [THRM] when combined with BREL at >250c.
Color: beige
Temp: 22.00
Heavy particles, melts into Glass. Melts at 1750C.
Broken Glass
Color: grey
Temp: 22.00
Broken glass. Can be melted to form Glass. broken glass does not allow photons like regular glass does.
It is the product of pressure being applied to Glass, and heated LCRY
Color: cream
Temp: 22.00
Yeast, grows when warm (around 40 degrees C). Turns into DYST when exposed to Neutrons or heated a lot(about 120C). Turns to Dust after even higher heats(about 600C). Note that DYST at any temperature turns YEST into DYST in a cascading effect.
Fuse powder
Color: green
Temp: 22.00
Burns slowly, ignites at high temperatures like plasma and with electricity. Fuse burns at high temperatures (over 3000 degrees). Unlike other flammlable materials, if it was burnt by plasm, it will burning with plasm, not fire (as similiar solid FUSE).
Broken Coal
Color: black
Temp: 22.00
Heavy particles, burn slowly.
Color: light blue
Temp: -183.15
Light Particles, cold (-183°C), instantly freezes water. Turns WATR into FRZW when in contact, FRZW also turns other water particles into FRZW, creating a cascading effect.
Color: Black
Temp: 22.00
Very light dust. Changes color based on velocity.
Anti-Air Particle
Color: white
Temp: 22.00
Very light dust. Behaves opposite of normal physics. ANAR behaves opposite gravity, pressure/velocity, and also burns when exposed to sub-zero flame.
Broken Quartz
Color: light blue (textured effect)
Temp: 22.00
Broken quartz, melts at 2300°C.
Broken Electronics
Color: greenish-grey
Temp: 22.00
Broken electronics, results from using EMP on electronics. Cannot be melted and cooled back into the un-broken form. Conducts electricity. May sometimes for unknown reasons be turned into NTCT. When combined with BRMT at >250c you can make THRM.
Clay Dust
Color: light red (textured effect)
Temp: 22.00
Produces paste when in contact with water. CLST particles are naturally 'sticky' and tend to cling to each other, when cold, particles literally freeze at about -70 deg C(I.E. turn to solid state). Stacks on top of itself like concrete.
Equal Velocity
Color: beige
Temp: 22.00
Formerly an experiment in shared velocity powders, this powder now acts as a sort of invincible dust. Can only be created through the console. This powder has a colour similar to that of DUST.
Color: very light grey
Temp: -8.00 (but rapidly heats up due to the steam released).
Named after Powder Toy user Mortvert. Releases smoke and flows down the screen slowly like some sort of gel/powder combination. Can only be created through the console. Can only be destroyed by bomb.