
From The Powder Toy
Revision as of 23:34, 17 May 2012 by mniip (talk | contribs) (sparked? in terms of walls it's called electrifying)
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This category contains 15 elements, 12 of which are true walls, all of which are indestructible.

Wall (Conductive)

Description Indestructible. Blocks everything. Conductive.

Blocks Everything

Allows Nothing

Special Conducts SPRK. Transparent to ARAY.


Description Becomes transparent when electricity is connected.

Blocks See special

Allows See special

Special Acts like WALL (Nonconductive) when not electrified, otherwise acts like Conductor.


Description Generates electricity when a particle is inside. Blocks Nothing

Allows All

Special Will pass SPRK on to anything conductive while a particle is in its area.


Description Set start point of a steamline. Blocks N/A

Allows N/A

Special Shows you how pressure is moving around the simulation.


Description Click on a sign to edit or delete it, or click anywhere else to place a new one.

Blocks N/A

Allows N/A

Special Allows you to places signs around your simulation for whatever purpose you need them for.

For linking to other saves, type {c:(other save id)|(text)} to link. I.E. {c:184767|Click here!}

Typing {t} or {p} or {GoL} or {type} or {life} or {ctype}into the sign will show the current temperature or pressure or genoratin or life or type or ctype where the sign was placed.


Description Accelerates Air. Use the line tool to set direction and strength.

Allows All

Blocks Nothing

Special Creates pressure and airflow. To use, place the wall where you need it, while you still have the Fan wall selected hold shift, click on the wall then drag in the direction you want air to flow.

Liquid Permeable

Description Blocks most particles but lets liquids through. Conductive.

Allows Liquid Elements, Pressure

Blocks Gases, Powders and Solids

Special Only allows liquids to pass through it, Also conducts SPRK to anything conductive

Absorbing wall

Description Absorbs particles but lets air currents through.

Blocks Nothing

Allows Pressure

Special Absorbs all particles that enter its space.


Description Erases Walls

Allows N/A

Blocks N/A

Special N/A

Wall (non conductive)

Description Indestructible. Blocks everything.

Blocks All

Allows BRAY

Special N/A

Non-permeable wall

Description Indestructible. Blocks particles, allows air.

Blocks Gasses, Liquids, Solids and powders.

Allows Pressure


Description Blocks liquids and gases, allows solids.

Blocks Liquids and gases

Allows Solids

Special Allows only solids.


Description Allows particles, conducts electricity

Blocks Nothing

Allows All

Special Conducts SPRK to anything conductive.


Description absorbs particles, releases them when powered

Allows See Special

Blocks See Special

Special Holds particles in place until electrified, releases them when electrified.

Gas permeable wall

Description Indestructible. Blocks liquids and solids, allows gases

Blocks Liquids, Solids and Powders.

Allows Gasses and Pressure

Special Note: This wall does allow FIRE as well.

Gravity wall

Allows Allows all particles

Blocks Newtonian gravity.

Special If you make a box using gravity wall, then Newtonian gravity has no effect inside the box.

other n/a

Energy Wall

Discription Energy wall, allows only energy type particles to pass

Allows Photons, neutrons, and BRAY.

Blocks Everything except photons, neutrons and BRAY.

Special N/A