
From The Powder Toy
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LIGH.png Lightning
Section Explosives
Spawn temperature 22°C
Heat Conductivity 0%
Relative weight 100
Gravity 0
Acid dissolve rate 0.1%
Flammability 0
State Solid
Source code

General Behaviour Very short-lived element, persists ~2 to 5 frames. Upon generation a "bolt" of LIGH will extend from its origin, with a random angle, directed towards simulation gravity. Dissipating, it leaves a "thunderclap" pressure wake.

  • Generates an extreme amount of heat and pressure on encountering an element.
  • Generated by SPRKd TESC

Brush Behaviour Length, temperature, pressure and spawn cooldown depend on brush size, greater brush sizes greaten these values.


  • DEUT.png + LIGH.pngNEUT.png
  • Any conductor + LIGH.pngSPRK.pngd conductor

Advanced! Variables

  • LIGH's life is its power, greater values generate more powerful reactions, & longer segments.
  • LIGH's tmp is its angle, measured in degrees, counterclockwise from the +x direction (the right).
  • LIGH's tmp2 contains various information about the pixel, relative to the rest of the bolt.

A tmp2 of:

  • 0-1 means it's bending
  • 2-3 means it's branching
  • 4 means it's the first pixel
  • 5-8 means it's a normal part of the segment, this number counts down, & the pixel is removed at 5.
Language: [[::Element:LIGH|English]]