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Language: English
SPRK.png Spark / Electricity
Electricity. The basis of all electronics in TPT, travels along wires and other conductive elements.
Section Electronics
Spawn temperature 22°C
Heat Conductivity 100%
Relative weight 100
Gravity 0
Acid dissolve rate 0.1%
Flammability 0
State Solid
Misc properties
Source code


SPRK is created when:

  • BTRY.png is placed within 2 pixels of any conductor except INST.png, INWR.png, PTCT.png, or NTCT.png.
  • ELEC.png, non-brown BRAY.png, LIGH.png, or THDR.png hits a conductor.
  • PHOT.png hits a layer of PSCN.png with NSCN.png behind it.
  • PSNS.png, TSNS.png, DTEC.png, VSNS.png, LDTC.pngor LSNS.png are activated
  • CLNE.png with ctype SPRK is next to a conductor
  • VIBR.png or BVBR.png has a life between 1 and 300
  • DLAY.png with a life of 0 is next to NSCN.png
  • PTNM.png is next to HYGN.png and OXYG.png
  • CONV.png with ctype SPRK is next to a conductor


Creates a current of electricity and is used to turn powered materials on or off.

SPRK cannot be placed alone, you need to put it on a conductive material. SPRK can be blocked by INSL.png in most cases. As long as there is an INSL between the two conductors, it will not go through. Some special elements won't be activated through INSL either, although some will anyway (like PSTN.png). Some elements have special rules on which other conductors it can conduct to, see each element for help.


SPRK can travel through most conductors every 8 frames, with 4 frames of activity and then 4 frames of rest before a conductor will receive any more SPRK. SPRK travels twice as fast through GOLD.png, PTNM.png, or SLCN.png as it does through most other conductors and one quarter as fast in WATR.png. The travel time through INST.png is the same for any length.


SPRK produces heat when traveling through most conductors. TUNG.png produces the most heat this way, getting up to 3323.25°C. IRON.png, METL.png, BMTL.png, and BRMT.png reach 392°C; METL, BMTL, and BRMT will turn maroon when heated to this temperature. PSCN.png and NSCN.png jump to their current temperature+10C then go back to 22C; ETRD.png will do the same, unless it produces plasma. INWR.png and WATR.png heat to exactly 22°C if cooled below this temperature.

INST.png, MERC.png, RBDM.png, LRBD.png, PTNM.png, GOLD.png, TTAN.png, SLCN.png, and BREL.png do not heat up when conducting.

Some conductors will actually cool down when heated above a threshold and sparked. INWR and WATR cool to exactly 22°C if heated above this temperature; TESC.png is strange in that it, in small amounts, it actually cools itself down to near absolute zero, but in large enough amounts can heat itself with LIGH.png to max temperature.