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The radioactives category contains fissile elements, as well as elements with unique properties.
=   Materiały Radioaktywne  =
===  Uranium [URAN]  ===
Kategoria zawiera rozszczepialne pierwiastki radioaktywne, jak również elementy o unikalnych właściwościach.
Color: Dark yellow
===  Uran [URAN ]  ===
Temp: 52.00
Uran jest produktem ubocznym reakcji jądrowej plutonu (PLUT). Szybko się nagrzewa pod ciśnieniem. Tym większe ciśnienie tym większa temperatura.
Uran będzie powoli się chłodzić pod niskim lub przy braku ciśnienia.
A nuclear reactions byproduct which heats up quickly under pressure. The rate of change in heat from pressure is determined exponentially. Uranium will slowly cool down under low, or no pressure.
===   Pluton [PLUT ]  ===
=== Plutonium [PLUT]  ===
Reaguje pod ciśnieniem lub przy dużej ilości neutronów. Reaguje także z piorunami (THDR).
Color: Dark green
Skutkiem ubocznym reakcji jądrowej plutonu będzie Uran (URAN). Neutron (NEUT) w połączeniu z Plutonem tworzy reakcje łańcuchową.
Temp: 26.00
1 neutron do jednej cząstki plutonu spowoduje jeszcze 1 neutron = 2 neutrony
Fissile. Reacts under pressure, on contact with lightning (THDR), or with a high amount of neutrons. The reaction produces a uranium particle and a neutron.
Szybka reakcja jądrowa spowoduje stworzenie cząstek kamienia i uranu.  
A Rapid fission reaction will result in a particle of Stone and Uranium. The Stone will most likely melt in the reaction to LAVA.
Zabija Stickman'a :(
Kills stick man.
===   Neutrony [Neut ]  ===
=== Neutrons [NEUT]  ===
Neutrony reagują na grawitacje. Poruszają się we wszystkich kierunkach. Mają dziwne interakcje z innymi elementami, powodują reakcje jądrową w połączeniu z plutonem (PLUT) i tlenkiem deuteru (DEUT). Zmienia niektóre elementy w inne.
Color: teal (produces a glow)
* Zmienia Pluton w Kamień, Uran, neutrony, ciepło i ciśnienie.
A particle unaffected by gravity which travels in all directions. It has odd interactions with other elements, as well as being fissile with Plutonium (PLUT) and Deuterium Oxide (DEUT).
* Zmienia tlenek deuteru w neutrony, ciepło i ciśnienie.
* Zmienia Proch strzelniczy w pył.
* Zmienia roślinę w drewno.
* Zmienia pył w pierwsze wykonanie fajerwerków.
* Zmienia Nitroglicerynę na gaz / olej / Desl.
* Zmienia C-4 w Goo.
* Destyluję wodę
* Zmienia kwas w Izotop Z.
* Zmienia DESL w gaz.
* Zmienia Drożdże w Martwe Drożdże (DYST).
* Zmienia Węgiel w drewno.
* Sprawia, że ​​GLOW, Świeci na zielono.
===  Fotony [PHOT ]  ===
NEUT is affected by Newtonian Gravity.
Podróżuje w linii prostej przechodzi przez niektóre elementy. Prawie jak światło. Może spalić rzeczy, takie jak drewno, roślina i niektóre materiały wybuchowe, jeśli jest skoncentrowany. Temperatura Fotonów jest wysoka, ~ 900C mogą być schłodzone do temperatury, zamarzania wody. Zwykle stosowany jako medium do
przenoszenia ciepła.
===  Antymateria [AMTR ]  ===
NEUT changes certain elements into other elements i.e.:
Niszczy prawie wszystko i produkuje bardzo małą ilość ciśnienia i fotonów. W połączeniu z Warp'em może zniszczyć diament.
===   Tlenek deuteru [DEUT ]  ===
* Turns Plutonium into Stone, Uranium, Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
Nazywany ciężką wodą lub D2O.
* Turns Deuterium Oxide into Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
* Turns Gunpowder into Dust.
* Turns Plant into Wood.
* Turns Dust into First Firework.
* Turns Nitroglycerin into Gas/Oil/Desl.
* Turns C-4 into Goo.
* Turns Water into Distilled Water.
* Turns Acid into ISOZ.
* Turns DESL into Gas.
* Turns Yeast into Dead Yeast(DYST).
* Turns COAL into WOOD.
=== Photons [PHOT]  ===
Color: White/very light green
Radioaktywna ciecz, która zmienia swoją objętość zależną od temperatury. Reaguje tylko na neutrony, tworząc więcej neutronów i ciśnienie.
Temp: 922.00
DEUT gwałtownie rozszerza się w zależności od temperatury, co pozwala rosnąć o około 20 razy w stosunku do minimalnej wielkości. Jego gęstość określa, jak potężna będzie reakcja .
Travels in straight lines, goes through glass. Ignites flammable substances such as wood and explosives. Usually used as a medium to transfer heat.  
===  Warp [WARP ]  ===
The colors of PHOT can be changed when passing through FILT. PHOT wavelengths can be split with a prism of glass.
Niewidzialny gaz, który wypiera lub rozprasza inne cząsteczki w najbliższej okolicy. Ma niską długość życia. W połączeniu z antymaterią niszczy diament.
===  Izotop-Z [ISOZ ]  ===
When traveling through non-pressurized INVS, PHOT turns into NEUT, which go almost as straight as PHOT.
Radioaktywny płyn, który rozpada się w fotony, gdy styka się z fotonami lub gdy działa na niego niskie ciśnienie.
===  Stały Izotop-Z [ISZS ]  ===
Radioaktywne ciało stałe, które rozpada się w fotony. Proces można przyspieszyć gdy znajduje się on w niskim ciśnieniu. Jest w gruncie rzeczy przeciwieństwem reakcji plutonu. ISZS może być stopiony w ciekły izotop-z (patrz izotop-z), to normalne w czasie trwania rozpadu. Można to zrobić ręcznie za pomocą ciepła (HEAT).
===   Osobliwość [SING]  ===
===  Antimatter [AMTR]  ===
Proszek, który generuje bardzo niskie ciśnienie. Osobliwość może zniszczyć inne cząstki, jest sproszkowaną czarną dziurą.
Color: grey
Po "zjedzeniu" dużo materii, Osobliwość eksploduje w neutrony i fotony po śmierci (aktualizacja 47)
Temp: 22.00
Destroys almost anything while producing a very small amount of negative pressure and photons (matter-> energy), very lightly affected by gravity.
===  Deuterium Oxide [DEUT]  ===
Color: Dark blue, turns light blue or white when cooled, and turns into an even darker shade of blue when heated.
Temp: 22.00
It also can  be called Heavy Water/D2O or 2^H20.
A radioactive liquid which expands in response to temperature. It reacts only to neutrons, producing more superheated neutrons and pressure.
DEUT exponentially expands according to temperature, allowing itself to grow up about 20 times its minimum size. Its density determines how powerful the reaction will be.
Using the console to set DEUT's life will make it expand or glow.
===  Warp [WARP]  ===
Color: invisible
Temp: 22.00
An invisible gas which displaces or scatters other particles around the immediate area, simaler effect to that of neutrons, except there is no effect on the elements properties it has had contact with. It has a low life and disappears in a matter of seconds from spawn.
===  Isotope-Z [ISOZ]  ===
Color: pink
Temp: 22.00
A radioactive liquid which decays into photons when surrounded by photons or surrounded by negative pressure.
===  Solid ISOZ [ISZS]  ===
Color: purple
Temp: -138.15
A radioactive solid which decays into photons over time. The process can be sped up with negative pressure. It has essentially the opposite reaction of plutonium. ISZS can also be melted into its liquid form (see isotope-z), this normally happens during the duration of the photon decay or it can be done manually with heat.
===  Singularity [SING]  ===
Color: black
Temp: 22.00
A powder which generates very low pressure. Singularity can destroy other particles, it is essentially powdered black hole.
After eating a lot of matter, Singularity will explode into neutrons and photons upon death.
Using the console, you can make the SING explode into neutrons and photons when you want to.

Revision as of 20:42, 28 September 2011

The radioactives category contains fissile elements, as well as elements with unique properties.

Uranium [URAN]

Color: Dark yellow

Temp: 52.00

A nuclear reactions byproduct which heats up quickly under pressure. The rate of change in heat from pressure is determined exponentially. Uranium will slowly cool down under low, or no pressure.

Plutonium [PLUT]

Color: Dark green

Temp: 26.00

Fissile. Reacts under pressure, on contact with lightning (THDR), or with a high amount of neutrons. The reaction produces a uranium particle and a neutron.

A Rapid fission reaction will result in a particle of Stone and Uranium. The Stone will most likely melt in the reaction to LAVA.

Kills stick man.

Neutrons [NEUT]

Color: teal (produces a glow)

A particle unaffected by gravity which travels in all directions. It has odd interactions with other elements, as well as being fissile with Plutonium (PLUT) and Deuterium Oxide (DEUT).

NEUT is affected by Newtonian Gravity.

NEUT changes certain elements into other elements i.e.:

  • Turns Plutonium into Stone, Uranium, Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
  • Turns Deuterium Oxide into Neutrons, heat, and pressure.
  • Turns Gunpowder into Dust.
  • Turns Plant into Wood.
  • Turns Dust into First Firework.
  • Turns Nitroglycerin into Gas/Oil/Desl.
  • Turns C-4 into Goo.
  • Turns Water into Distilled Water.
  • Turns Acid into ISOZ.
  • Turns DESL into Gas.
  • Turns Yeast into Dead Yeast(DYST).
  • Turns COAL into WOOD.

Photons [PHOT]

Color: White/very light green

Temp: 922.00

Travels in straight lines, goes through glass. Ignites flammable substances such as wood and explosives. Usually used as a medium to transfer heat.

The colors of PHOT can be changed when passing through FILT. PHOT wavelengths can be split with a prism of glass.

When traveling through non-pressurized INVS, PHOT turns into NEUT, which go almost as straight as PHOT.

Antimatter [AMTR]

Color: grey

Temp: 22.00

Destroys almost anything while producing a very small amount of negative pressure and photons (matter-> energy), very lightly affected by gravity.

Deuterium Oxide [DEUT]

Color: Dark blue, turns light blue or white when cooled, and turns into an even darker shade of blue when heated.

Temp: 22.00

It also can be called Heavy Water/D2O or 2^H20.

A radioactive liquid which expands in response to temperature. It reacts only to neutrons, producing more superheated neutrons and pressure.

DEUT exponentially expands according to temperature, allowing itself to grow up about 20 times its minimum size. Its density determines how powerful the reaction will be.

Using the console to set DEUT's life will make it expand or glow.

Warp [WARP]

Color: invisible

Temp: 22.00

An invisible gas which displaces or scatters other particles around the immediate area, simaler effect to that of neutrons, except there is no effect on the elements properties it has had contact with. It has a low life and disappears in a matter of seconds from spawn.

Isotope-Z [ISOZ]

Color: pink

Temp: 22.00

A radioactive liquid which decays into photons when surrounded by photons or surrounded by negative pressure.


Color: purple

Temp: -138.15

A radioactive solid which decays into photons over time. The process can be sped up with negative pressure. It has essentially the opposite reaction of plutonium. ISZS can also be melted into its liquid form (see isotope-z), this normally happens during the duration of the photon decay or it can be done manually with heat.

Singularity [SING]

Color: black

Temp: 22.00

A powder which generates very low pressure. Singularity can destroy other particles, it is essentially powdered black hole. After eating a lot of matter, Singularity will explode into neutrons and photons upon death.

Using the console, you can make the SING explode into neutrons and photons when you want to.