Difference between revisions of "Lua API:Simulation"

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m (fixed the sim.partNeighbours to be consistent with simulation.partNeighbors (removed the U))
(53 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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== Methods ==
== Methods ==
=== simulation.partNeighbours ===  
=== simulation.addCustomGol ===
  number ... sim.partNeighbours(number x, number y, number radius, [number type])
  nil sim.addCustomGol(string rule, string name, number color1, number color2)
Returns a list of particles indexes that neighbour the given coordinates that matches the given type (if it is specified)
Adds a custom game of life type with the specified rule, name, and colors. Rule strings use B#/S#/# notation ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life#Variations more detail]). Colors are used when fading between multiple states. Names and rules cannot be duplicates.
The resulting list does not contain the "origin particle"
=== simulation.partChangeType ===  
nil sim.addCustomGol(number rule, string name, number color1, number color2)
Same as above, but takes a binary representation of the rule instead of a string. Bits 0-8 list stay values (starting at 0), bits 9-16 list begin values (starting at 1), and bits 17-20 are the number of states (decimal value added to 2). This is also how GOL rules are stored as ctypes.
=== simulation.adjustCoords ===
number, number sim.adjustCoords(number x, number y)
Actually this is more of a UI method than a simulation method. Given a mouse position x, y in the window, this function returns the corresponding coordinates in the simulation (taking into account the visibility and position of the zoom window, if applicable).
=== simulation.airMode ===
number sim.airMode()
Returns the current Air Simulation Mode.
nil sim.airMode(number mode)
Sets the Air Simulation Mode to mode.
Mode numbers are as follows (not currently available as named constants):
{| class="wikitable"
|Pressure off
|Velocity off
|Velocity and pressure off
|No update
=== simulation.ambientAirTemp ===
number sim.ambientAirTemp()
Returns the current ambient temperature. When ambient heat mode is turned on, the air at the edges of the screen will remain at this temperature.
nil sim.ambientAirTemp(number temp)
Sets the ambient temperature. The temperature is measured in Kelvin.
=== simulation.ambientHeat ===
number sim.ambientHeat(number x, number y)
Returns a value on the ambient heat map (the temperature of the air at that point).
nil sim.ambientHeat(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number temp)
Sets values on the ambient heat map.
=== simulation.ambientHeatSim ===
enabled = sim.ambientHeat()
* <code>enabled</code>: Flag that specifies whether ambient heat is enabled or not.
=== simulation.brush ===
function sim.brush(number x, number y, [number brushWidth, number brushHeight], [number brushID])
Returns an iterator over positions inside the specified brush.
If width, height or ID is not provided, will use values of the current brush selected by user.
for x, y in sim.brush(300, 200, 100, 50, 0) do
  sim.partCreate(-1, x, y, elem.DEFAULT_PT_DUST)
=== simulation.can_move ===
simulation.can_move(number movingElementID, number obstacleElementID, number method)
Decides what a particle does when it hits another particle while moving. Method is one of the following:
* 0: bounce off the obstacle
* 1: swap places with the obstacle
* 2: move over the obstacle
number simulation.can_move(number movingElementID, number obstacleElementID)
Returns what a particle does when it hits another particle while moving, a method like above.
=== simulation.clearRect ===
nil sim.clearRect(number x, number y, number width, number height)
Clears all particles in a rectangle starting at x, y down and to the right width and height pixels respectively.
=== simulation.clearSim ===
nil sim.clearSim()
Clears everything in the simulation.
=== simulation.createBox ===
nil sim.createBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number type], [number flag])
Creates a filled box of either the user's currently selected type or the type specified at the specified coordinates.
flag refers to particle replacement flags.
=== simulation.createLine ===
nil sim.createLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number type], [number brush], [number, flag])
Creates a line of of either the user's currently selected type or the type specified at the specified coordinates.
rx and ry describe the radius of the brush used. Default radius is 5, 5.
flag refers to particle replacement flags.
=== simulation.createParts ===
number sim.createParts(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number type], [number brush], [number flag])
Does something.
=== simulation.createWallBox ===
nil sim.createWallBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number walltype])
Creates a filled box of either the specified walltype or the type of the basic wall at the specified particle coordinates.
Note: the coordinates might change from particle coordinates to map coordinates in the future.
=== simulation.createWallLine ===
nil sim.createWallLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number walltype])
Creates a line of either the specified walltype or the type of the basic wall at the specified particle coordinates.
Note: the coordinates might change from particle coordinates to map coordinates in the future.
=== simulation.createWalls ===
number sim.createWalls(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number walltype])
Does something. Probably with walls :/
=== simulation.customGravity ===
number, number sim.customGravity()
Returns the current custom gravity settings as x and y values. Left and up are negative x and negative y respectively.
nil sim.customGravity(number x, number y)
Sets the custom gravity x and y values. Gravity mode must be set to "custom" to have any effect (see [[#simulation.gravityMode|sim.gravityMode]]).
nil sim.customGravity(number y)
Sets the custom gravity y value and sets the x value to 0.
=== simulation.decoBox ===
nil sim.decoBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]], [number tool])
Changes the decoration color of all particles in the specified coordinates.
tool refers to decoration tools.
=== simulation.decoBrush ===
nil sim.decoBrush(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number r, number g, number b, [number a]], [number tool], [number brush])
Does something
tool refers to decoration tools.
=== simulation.decoColor ===
number sim.decoColor()
Returns the currently selected decoration color.
nil sim.decoColor(number color)
Sets the selected decoration color to color.
color is in the format 0xAARRGGBB
nil sim.decoColor(number r, number g, number b, [number a])
Sets the selected decoration color to r,g,b,a
=== simulation.decoColour ===
Same as sim.decoColor()
=== simulation.decoLine ===
nil sim.decoLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number r, number g, number b, [number a]], [number tool], [number brush])
Changes the decoration color of all particles in the line specified.
rx and ry describe the radius of the brush used. Default radius is 5, 5.
tool refers to decoration tools.
=== simulation.decoSpace ===
Controls the color space used by smudge tool.
colorSpace sim.decoLine()
* <code>space</code>: The color space, can be one of these constants:
** <code>DECOSPACE_SRGB</code>: Standard SRGB color space
** <code>DECOSPACE_LINEAR</code>: Linear color space
** <code>DECOSPACE_GAMMA22</code>: Gamma 2.2
** <code>DECOSPACE_GAMMA18</code>: Gamma 1.8
** <code>NUM_DECOSPACES</code>: The total number of color spaces
=== simulation.deleteStamp ===
type sim.deleteStamp(string name)
Deleting a stamp identified by filename or ID.
=== simulation.edgeMode ===
number sim.edgeMode()
Returns the current Edge Mode
nil sim.edgeMode(number mode)
Sets the current Edge Mode to mode. 0 means normal, 1 creates a wall all the way round the edge of the simulation.
=== simulation.elecMap ===
Interface with the elec map, which is a [[Lua_API:Simulation#Constants_2|CELL-sized]] map used to control powered walls like E-Wall and Detector.
value sim.elecMap(x, y)
sim.elecMap(x, y, value)
sim.elecMap(x, y, w, h, value)
* <code>value</code>: Elec map value. This is an integer that controls for how many frames wall electricity is active in this cell, 0 if there is no power.
* <code>x</code>: x position of the cell
* <code>y</code>: y position of the cell
* <code>w</code>: width (cell count) of the area to set
* <code>h</code>: height (cell count) of the area to set
=== simulation.elementCount ===
number sim.elementCount(number type)
Returns the number of particles of the specified type in the simulation.
=== simulation.ensureDeterminism ===
boolean sim.ensureDeterminism()
nil sim.ensureDeterminism(boolean flag)
Fetch or set ensureDeterminism flag. When this flag is set, extra data is included in saves to ensure simulation RNG state is saved, along with other items needed to guarantee proper determinism upon loading the save. This is only useful for debugging, as different builds of the game may do things slightly differently on different machines. Further, Newtonian gravity is not deterministic with this flag enabled even in debugging scenarios.
=== simulation.fanVelocityX ===
Interface with the fan velocity map, which is a [[Lua_API:Simulation#Constants_2|CELL-sized]] map used to control fan velocity.
value sim.fanVelocityX(x, y)
sim.fanVelocityX(x, y, value)
sim.fanVelocityX(x, y, w, h, value)
* <code>value</code>: Fan X velocity, a floating point value
* <code>x</code>: x position of the cell
* <code>y</code>: y position of the cell
* <code>w</code>: width (cell count) of the area to set
* <code>h</code>: height (cell count) of the area to set
=== simulation.fanVelocityY ===
Interface with the fan velocity map, which is a [[Lua_API:Simulation#Constants_2|CELL-sized]] map used to control fan velocity.
value sim.fanVelocityY(x, y)
sim.fanVelocityY(x, y, value)
sim.fanVelocityY(x, y, w, h, value)
* <code>value</code>: Fan Y velocity, a floating point value
* <code>x</code>: x position of the cell
* <code>y</code>: y position of the cell
* <code>w</code>: width (cell count) of the area to set
* <code>h</code>: height (cell count) of the area to set
=== simulation.floodDeco ===
nil sim.floodDeco(number x, number y, number r, number g, number b, number a)
Flood fills the color at position x, y with another color. Note: Color at position includes console overlay.
=== simulation.floodParts ===
number sim.floodParts(number x, number y, [number type], [number cm?], [number flag])
Flood fills either the user's currently selected type or the type specified at the coordinates given.
flag refers to particle replacement flags.
=== simulation.floodWalls ===
number sim.floodWalls(number x, number y, [number walltype], [number bm?])
Flood fills either the specified walltype or the type of the basic wall at the specified particle coordinates.
Note: the coordinates might change from particle coordinates to map coordinates in the future.
=== simulation.framerender ===
number sim.framerender()
sim.framerender(number frames)
Advances the simulation the given number of frames, even when paused. If called with no arguments, returns the number of frames currently to be rendered. Usually is 0.
=== simulation.getSaveID ===
number, number sim.getSaveID()
Returns the save ID and the history offset of the currently loaded save or nil if the simulation is not a downloaded save. The history offset can be used with loadSave.
=== simulation.gravityField ===
Check the gravity output map, which is a [[Lua_API:Simulation#Constants_2|CELL-sized]] map that controls the output of Newtonian Gravity calculation.
x-strength y-strength sim.gravityField(x, y)
* <code>x-strength</code>: X strength of the gravity field at this location
* <code>y-strength</code>: Y strength of the gravity field at this location
* <code>x</code>: x position of the cell
* <code>y</code>: y position of the cell
=== simulation.gravityMass ===
Interface with the gravity input map, which is a [[Lua_API:Simulation#Constants_2|CELL-sized]] map that controls the input to the Newtonian Gravity calculation. The larger the value, the greater the mass / attraction to this location.
strength sim.gravityMass(x, y)
sim.gravityMass(x, y, strength)
sim.gravityMass(x, y, w, h, strength)
* <code>strength</code>: Strength of the input gravity at this location
* <code>x</code>: x position of the cell
* <code>y</code>: y position of the cell
* <code>w</code>: width (cell count) of the area to set
* <code>h</code>: height (cell count) of the area to set
=== simulation.gravMap ===
'''DEPRECATED IN 98.0, replaced by sim.gravityMass and sim.gravityField'''
number sim.gravMap(number x, number y)
nil sim.gravMap(number x, number y, [number width, number height,] number value)
Returns the newtonian gravity at the given coordinates in the simulation. If given a value, will set the newtonian gravity at those coordinates. Width and height refer to the rectangle of affected cells, starting with the coords. If not given, they will default to 1,1.
=== simulation.gravityGrid ===
number sim.gravityGrid()
Returns the current setting for drawing the gravity grid. More of a renderer setting than a simulation setting.
nil sim.gravityGrid(number mode)
Sets the setting for drawing the gravity grid to mode.
=== simulation.gravityMode ===
number sim.gravityMode()
Returns the current gravity simulation mode.
nil sim.gravityMode(number mode)
Sets the gravity simulation mode to mode.
{| class="wikitable"
|Normal, vertical gravity
|No gravity
|Radial gravity
|Custom gravity (see [[#simulation.customGravity|sim.customGravity]])
=== simulation.gspeed ===
number sim.gspeed()
Returns the current GoL speed
nil sim.gspeed(number newSpeed)
Sets the current GoL speed. This is the number of frames between GoL updates. Default is one, larger numbers make it slower.
=== simulation.hash ===
number simulation.hash()
Returns a 32-bit int represending the hash of the simulation's current state. Nearly all state is included, including particles, air, gravity, frame count, and rng state. Frame count's inclusion means that the hash changes every frame, even while paused).
=== simulation.heatSim ===
enabled = sim.heatSim()
* <code>heatSim</code>: boolean flag that specifies whether heat simulation is turned on or off.
=== simulation.historyForward===
boolean simulation.historyForward()
Tries restoring a redo snapshot (ctrl+y). Returns true on success, or false if there is no redo history to restore.
=== simulation.historyRestore ===
boolean simulation.historyRestore()
Tries restoring a history snapshot (ctrl+z). Returns true on success, or false if there is no history to restore.
=== simulation.lastUpdatedID ===
type sim.lastUpdatedID()
Returns the last updated particle ID, if the simulation is currently being stepped through particle-by-particle (either using sim.updateUpTo or user input with tpt.setdebug(0x8)). If subframe particle debugging isn't active, returns nil.
=== simulation.listCustomGol ===
table sim.listCustomGol()
Returns a table of all custom game of life types. Each index has a name (string), rulestr (string), rule (number), color1 (number), and color2 (number) property. See [[#simulation.addCustomGol|sim.addCustomGol]] for details about properties.
=== simulation.listStamps ===
table sim.listStamps()
Returns a table of stamps, in order. Stamp names are 10 characters, with no .stm extention or stamps/ prefix.
=== simulation.loadSave ===
nil sim.loadSave(number SaveID, [number hideDescription], [number history?])
Loads the save associated with the specified SaveID.
If hideDescription is non zero, the information for the save is not shown.
=== simulation.loadStamp ===
sim.loadStamp(string filename, number x, number y, [boolean hflip, [number rotation, [boolean includePressure]]])
sim.loadStamp(number id, number x, number y, [boolean hflip, [number rotation, [boolean includePressure]]])
Loads a stamp identified by filename or ID, and places it at position x,y. Filenames should be given without stamps/ or the .stm suffix. On success, returns 1. On failure, returns nil and the failure reason as a string.
The following changes are applied to the stamp before pasting, in this order:
* if hflip is true, a horizontal flip is applied to the save (same as pressing Shift+R when pasting)
* if rotation is present, this number of 90-degree counterclockwise rotations are applied to the save (same as pressing R this many times when pasting)
* if the position x,y is not CELL-aligned, the stamp is pasted with its top left corner at the nearest CELL-aligned position toward negative infinity, and the difference between this position and the requested one is achieved via "nudging" (same as pressing the arrow keys a few times when pasting)
=== simulation.neighbors ===
type sim.neighbors(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number type])
Used for iterating through particles in an area centred on the given coordinates (x, y). Radius in the x and y directions is set by rx and ry. Default radius is 2, 2. If type is provided, only particles of the corresponding type will be returned.
The size of the rectangular area is one plus twice the radius, so a radius of 2, 2 gives a 5x5 pixel area centred on x, y. Particles in the centre position x, y are excluded. Only one particle in each position is included, and energy particles (such as photons, neutrons, electrons) are ignored.
Example (i is the index of the neighbouring particle and nx, ny are its coordinates):
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
for i,nx,ny in sim.neighbors(100,200,1,1) do
sim.partProperty(i, sim.FIELD_TEMP, 9999)
Or if coordinates of the neighbouring particles are not required:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
for i in sim.neighbors(100,200,1,1) do
sim.partProperty(i, sim.FIELD_TEMP, 9999)
=== simulation.neighbours ===
Same as sim.neighbors()
=== simulation.newtonianGravity ===
enabled = sim.newtonianGravity()
* <code>newtonianGravity</code>: boolean flag that specifies whether Newtonian Gravity is turned on or off.
=== simulation.partChangeType ===
  nil sim.partChangeType(number index, number type)
  nil sim.partChangeType(number index, number type)
Reliably change the type of a particle, this method avoids the side effects created by changing the type directly with the "partProperty" method.
Reliably change the type of a particle, this method avoids the side effects created by changing the type directly with the "partProperty" method.
=== simulation.partKill===
=== simulation.partCount ===
count = sim.partCount()
* <code>count</code>: Total count of all particles in the sim.
=== simulation.partCreate ===
number sim.partCreate(number index, number x, number y, number type, [number v])
Create a single particle at location x, y. Returns the index of the new particle, or a negative number on failure.
Possible values for index are:
* -1 : Normal particle creation. This is the most useful value. No particle is created if position x, y is occupied and the requested new particle type cannot pass through the particle that is already there.
* -2 : Create particle as though it was drawn by the user with the brush(runs the Create function). Usually not useful.
* -3 : Create particle without checking for collisions with existing particles. In most cases, this is a bad idea, since a lot of elements don't work properly when there are multiple particles in the same place. Particles may also turn into BHOL if there are too many in the same place. The exception to this is elements that have been specifically designed to cope with this (such as multiple energy particles like PHOT and NEUT in the same place).
* particle index, >= 0 : Overwrite an existing particle with a new particle. At the moment no collision checking is performed, so the same considerations apply as for index=-3. It is usually safe if the new particle is in the same location as the old one. This is roughly equivalent to calling sim.partKill then sim.partCreate(-3, ...).
=== simulation.partExists ===
boolean sim.partExists(number index)
Returns true if a particle exists at a given index.
=== simulation.partID ===
number sim.partID(number x, number y)
Get the index of a particle at the specified position. As of v89.3, this will return nil if there is no particle there.
Example (though this is probably best done with sim.neighbours):
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
for fx = -1, 1, 1 do
for fy = -1, 1, 1 do
  local i = sim.partID(x + fx, y + fy)
  if i~=nil and sim.partProperty(i, 'type') == elements.DEFAULT_PT_DMND then
  sim.partProperty(index, sim.FIELD_TEMP, 9999)
=== simulation.partKill ===
  nil sim.partKill(number index)
  nil sim.partKill(number index)
  nil sim.partKill(number x, number y)
  nil sim.partKill(number x, number y)
Reliably delete a particle at a specified index or location, this method avoids the side effects created by changing the type to 0/DEFAULT_PT_NONE with the "partProperty" method
Reliably delete a particle at a specified index or location, this method avoids the side effects created by changing the type to 0/DEFAULT_PT_NONE with the "partProperty" method
=== simulation.partNeighbors ===
table sim.partNeighbors(number x, number y, number radius, [number type])
Returns an array of indices of particles that neighbour the given coordinates and match the given type (if it is specified). The resulting array does not contain the particle at the specified position.
=== simulation.partNeighbours ===
Same as sim.partNeighbors()
=== simulation.partPosition ===
number x, number y sim.partPosition(number index)
Get the location of the particle at the specified index
=== simulation.partProperty ===
=== simulation.partProperty ===
Line 24: Line 448:
Get the property value on a particle specified by the index
Get the property value on a particle specified by the index
The "field" may be a field name or field ID, see [bottom of page] for more information
The "field" may be a field name or field ID, see FIELD constants below for valid fields.
=== simulation.parts ===
function sim.parts()
Returns an iterator over particle indexes that can be used in lua for loops
=== simulation.partID ===
=== simulation.paused ===
  number sim.partID(number x, number y)
  flag = sim.paused()
Get the index of a particle at the specified position
* <code>flag</code>: Boolean flag that says whether or not the sim is paused.
=== simulation.partPosition ===
Checks whether or not the simulation is paused. Processing may also continue if the 'f' framerender shortcut is used, which can last for long periods of time. [[#simulation.framerender|sim.framerender]] should be used to check for that
number x, number y sim.partPosition(number index)
Get the location of the particle at the specified index
=== simulation.partCreate ===
=== simulation.pmap ===
number sim.pmap(number x, number y)
Get the index of the particle at the specified position. Returns nil if there is no particle there. This function is very similar to sim.partID, but excludes energy particles (such as PHOT, NEUT, ELEC).
=== simulation.ambientHeat ===
=== simulation.photons ===
number sim.photons(number x, number y)
Get the index of the energy particle at the specified position. Returns nil if there is no particle there. This function is very similar to sim.pmap
=== simulation.pressure ===
=== simulation.pressure ===
number sim.pressure(number x, number y)
Returns a value on the pressure map.
nil sim.pressure(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number pressure)
Sets values on the pressure map.
=== simulation.prettyPowders ===
number sim.prettyPowders()
nil sim.prettyPowders(mode)
Sets whether the "pretty powders mode" (powders, such as SAND or BCOL, will be assigned random deco values) is on or off. When called with no arguments, returns a value determining whether it is on or off.
=== simulation.randomSeed ===
number seed0Lower, number seed0Upper, number seed1Lower, number seed1Upper sim.randomSeed()
nil sim.randomSeed(number seed0Lower, number seed0Upper, number seed1Lower, number seed1Upper)
Retrieve or set the seed used for the Simulation RNG. This RNG is used by TPT to generate random numbers during sim contexts. The renderer RNG and interface RNG are unaffected.
Because seeds are 64 bits, they are fetched/set in two sets of 32 bits integers.
=== simulation.reloadSave ===
nil sim.reloadSave()
Reloading save.
=== simulation.removeCustomGol ===
boolean sim.removeCustomGol(string name)
Removes all custom game of life types with the specified name. Returns true if any were removed.
=== simulation.resetGravityField ===
Resets the gravity field to 0. While this will temporarily stop all Newtonian Gravity output, any changes will regenerate the gravity map based on the gravity sources in the sim.
=== simulation.resetPressure ===
Resets the pressure map to no pressure.
=== simulation.resetSpark ===
Same effect as the ctrl+= shortcut. Removes all sparks from the simulation and resets them to .life = 0. SPRK with invalid ctypes are deleted. Also resets all wifi cooldowns.
=== simulation.resetTemp ===
Resets the temperature of all particles to their spawn temperature.
=== simulation.resetVelocity ===
Resets the air velocity map to 0. This map controls the flow of air. Resetting this will have some effect on particles, but won't stop them in their tracks.
=== simulation.replaceModeFlags ===
number sim.replaceModeFlags()
Returns the current replace mode flags.
nil sim.replaceModeFlags(number flags)
Sets the replace mode flags.
If the first bit of that number is set (flags = 1), replace mode is enabled.
If the second bit is set (flags = 2), specific delete is enabled.
=== simulation.saveStamp ===
string sim.saveStamp([number x, number y, number width, number height, [boolean includePressure]])
Creates a stamp of the specified coordinates. Coordinates default to entire simulation.
Returns the stamp id created.
=== simulation.signs ===
table simulation.signs
A table of signs. simulation.signs[1] through simulation.signs[16] are always defined.
==== Constants ====
* <code>sim.signs.MAX_SIGNS</code>: The maximum number of signs that can exist at once
* <code>sim.signs.JUSTMODE_LEFT</code>: Left justification
* <code>sim.signs.JUSTMODE_MIDDLE</code>: Middle (default) justification
* <code>sim.signs.JUSTMODE_RIGHT</code>: Right justification
* <code>sim.signs.JUSTMODE_NONE</code>: No justification, sign won't have any "tail"
* <code>sim.signs.NUM_JUSTMODES</code>: The number of justification modes
==== simulation.signs[n] ====
table simulation.signs[n]
A table which always contains the id property. May also contain text, x, y and justification. These properties can be directly modified to change a sign.
A justification of 0 means left, 1 means right, 2 means middle and 3 means none.
The text property cannot be larger than 45 in length.
==== simulation.signs.delete ====
nil simulation.signs.delete(number signID)
Deletes the sign at the specified sign id.
==== simulation.signs.new ====
number simulation.signs.new([string text, number x, number y, number justification])
Creates a new sign with the specified properties. Returns the sign ID, or nil if there are too many signs (the limit is 16).
=== simulation.takeSnapshot ===
nil sim.takeSnapshot()
Takes a undo snapshot, for use with ctrl + z
=== simulation.temperatureScale ===
number sim.temperatureScale()
Returns the current temperature scale. 0 = Kelvin, 1 = Celsuis, 2 = Fahrenheit
nil sim.temperatureScale(number newTemperatureScale)
Sets the current temperature scale. 0 = Kelvin, 1 = Celsuis, 2 = Fahrenheit. Other options are invalid and will throw an error.
=== simulation.toolBox ===
type sim.toolBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number tool], [number strength])
Performs the given tool (HEAT, COOL, AIR, etc) in a rectangular area.
=== simulation.toolBrush ===
sim.toolBrush(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number tool], [number brush], [number strength])
Performs the given tool (HEAT, COOL, AIR, etc) on the given coordinates with the given brush size. The brush types are 0 (circle), 1 (square) and 2 (triangle).
=== simulation.toolLine ===
type sim.toolLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number tool], [number brush], [number strength])
Performs the given tool (HEAT, COOL, AIR, etc) as if a line was drawn across the given coordinates with the given brush size. The brush types are 0 (circle), 1 (square) and 2 (triangle).
=== simulation.updateUpTo ===
nil sim.updateUpTo([number upTo])
Updates the simulation, but only up to the specified particle ID. Works as if shift+f is pressed while in particle debug mode (tpt.setdebug(0x8)). If no arguments are passed in, updates to the end of the frame.
=== simulation.velocityX ===
=== simulation.velocityX ===
number sim.velocityX(number x, number y)
Returns an X value on the velocity map.
nil sim.velocityX(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number value)
Sets X values on the velocity map.
=== simulation.velocityY ===
=== simulation.velocityY ===
number sim.velocityY(number x, number y)
Returns an Y value on the velocity map.
nil sim.velocityY(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number value)
Sets Y values on the velocity map.
=== simulation.wallMap ===
Interface with the wall map, which is a [[Lua_API:Simulation#Constants_2|CELL-sized]] map that specifies which walls are at what position.
wallType sim.wallMap(x, y)
sim.wallMap(x, y, wallType)
sim.wallMap(x, y, w, h, wallType)
* <code>wallType</code>: Wall type to set, wall type will be one of the constants in [[Lua_API:Simulation#Walls|sim.walls]]
* <code>x</code>: x position of the cell
* <code>y</code>: y position of the cell
* <code>w</code>: width (cell count) of the area to set
* <code>h</code>: height (cell count) of the area to set
=== simulation.waterEqualisation ===
number sim.waterEqualisation()
Returns the current Water equalisation setting.
=== simulation.gravMap ===
nil sim.waterEqualisation(number setting)
Set the Water equalisation setting to setting.
=== simulation.waterEqualization ===
Same as sim.waterEqualisation()
== Constants ==
== Constants ==
Any of these constants can be accessed with simulation.<constant name here>
X Resolution of the sim
Y Resolution of the sim
Size of a wall / air simulation block
The number of cells in the X direction
The number of cells in the Y direction
The total number of cells in the simulation
; NT
No transition, used in *Transition [https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Element_Properties.html properties]
; ST
Special transition, used in *Transition properties, but there is no way to set a special transition handler from Lua
Impossible temperature high, used along with NT to disable transitions
Impossible temperature low, used along with NT to disable transitions
Impossible pressure high, used along with NT to disable transitions
Impossible pressure low, used along with NT to disable transitions
Maximum number of element IDs. Does not reflect the current number of elements, only the maximum that can be enabled at one time.
Not actually a constant, this is updated every frame to reflect the current number of particles in the sim. Deprecated by sim.partCount (TODO document that and remove this)
Maximum number of particles that can exist at once
Room temperature (22C), the default temperature for many elements
Maximum allowable temperature of the sim, in Kelvin
Minimum allowable temperature of the sim, in Kelvin
Maximum allowable pressure of the sim
Minimum allowable pressure of the sim
Particle velocity cap
Movement code step value. Particles scan their trajectory and only check for blockers each step.
Air sim related
Number of bits used in pmap to store element type. This controls the element cap, which is 2^PMAPBITS
Mask used to assign type to pmap. ((1<<PMAPBITS)-1)
=== DECO ===
Used in deco drawing functions
=== TOOL ===
Used in tool drawing functions
=== FIELD ===
Used in sim.partProperty
=== BRUSH ===
Used in certain brush drawing functions
Number of default brushes
Number of total brushes, including any custom brushes
=== EDGE ===
Used in sim.edgeMode
=== AIR ===
Used in sim.airMode
=== GRAV ===
Used in sim.gravityMode
=== Walls ===
; walls
sim.walls is a table containing a mapping of wall IDs to wall identifiers, and wall identifiers to wall IDs. This may come in handy for working with ui.activeTool, which uses identifiers.
=== FLAG ===
Used in .flags property

Latest revision as of 00:18, 31 August 2024

The Simulation API allows for modifying the state and properties of particles, air and gravity




nil sim.addCustomGol(string rule, string name, number color1, number color2)

Adds a custom game of life type with the specified rule, name, and colors. Rule strings use B#/S#/# notation (more detail). Colors are used when fading between multiple states. Names and rules cannot be duplicates.

nil sim.addCustomGol(number rule, string name, number color1, number color2)

Same as above, but takes a binary representation of the rule instead of a string. Bits 0-8 list stay values (starting at 0), bits 9-16 list begin values (starting at 1), and bits 17-20 are the number of states (decimal value added to 2). This is also how GOL rules are stored as ctypes.


number, number sim.adjustCoords(number x, number y)

Actually this is more of a UI method than a simulation method. Given a mouse position x, y in the window, this function returns the corresponding coordinates in the simulation (taking into account the visibility and position of the zoom window, if applicable).


number sim.airMode()

Returns the current Air Simulation Mode.

nil sim.airMode(number mode)

Sets the Air Simulation Mode to mode.

Mode numbers are as follows (not currently available as named constants):

0 Normal
1 Pressure off
2 Velocity off
3 Velocity and pressure off
4 No update


number sim.ambientAirTemp()

Returns the current ambient temperature. When ambient heat mode is turned on, the air at the edges of the screen will remain at this temperature.

nil sim.ambientAirTemp(number temp)

Sets the ambient temperature. The temperature is measured in Kelvin.


number sim.ambientHeat(number x, number y)

Returns a value on the ambient heat map (the temperature of the air at that point).

nil sim.ambientHeat(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number temp)

Sets values on the ambient heat map.


enabled = sim.ambientHeat()
  • enabled: Flag that specifies whether ambient heat is enabled or not.


function sim.brush(number x, number y, [number brushWidth, number brushHeight], [number brushID])

Returns an iterator over positions inside the specified brush.

If width, height or ID is not provided, will use values of the current brush selected by user.


for x, y in sim.brush(300, 200, 100, 50, 0) do
 sim.partCreate(-1, x, y, elem.DEFAULT_PT_DUST)


simulation.can_move(number movingElementID, number obstacleElementID, number method)

Decides what a particle does when it hits another particle while moving. Method is one of the following:

  • 0: bounce off the obstacle
  • 1: swap places with the obstacle
  • 2: move over the obstacle
number simulation.can_move(number movingElementID, number obstacleElementID)

Returns what a particle does when it hits another particle while moving, a method like above.


nil sim.clearRect(number x, number y, number width, number height)

Clears all particles in a rectangle starting at x, y down and to the right width and height pixels respectively.


nil sim.clearSim()

Clears everything in the simulation.


nil sim.createBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number type], [number flag])

Creates a filled box of either the user's currently selected type or the type specified at the specified coordinates. flag refers to particle replacement flags.


nil sim.createLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number type], [number brush], [number, flag])

Creates a line of of either the user's currently selected type or the type specified at the specified coordinates. rx and ry describe the radius of the brush used. Default radius is 5, 5. flag refers to particle replacement flags.


number sim.createParts(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number type], [number brush], [number flag])

Does something.


nil sim.createWallBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number walltype])

Creates a filled box of either the specified walltype or the type of the basic wall at the specified particle coordinates. Note: the coordinates might change from particle coordinates to map coordinates in the future.


nil sim.createWallLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number walltype])

Creates a line of either the specified walltype or the type of the basic wall at the specified particle coordinates. Note: the coordinates might change from particle coordinates to map coordinates in the future.


number sim.createWalls(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number walltype])

Does something. Probably with walls :/


number, number sim.customGravity()

Returns the current custom gravity settings as x and y values. Left and up are negative x and negative y respectively.

nil sim.customGravity(number x, number y)

Sets the custom gravity x and y values. Gravity mode must be set to "custom" to have any effect (see sim.gravityMode).

nil sim.customGravity(number y)

Sets the custom gravity y value and sets the x value to 0.


nil sim.decoBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number r, number g, number b, [number a]], [number tool])

Changes the decoration color of all particles in the specified coordinates. tool refers to decoration tools.


nil sim.decoBrush(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number r, number g, number b, [number a]], [number tool], [number brush])

Does something tool refers to decoration tools.


number sim.decoColor()

Returns the currently selected decoration color.

nil sim.decoColor(number color)

Sets the selected decoration color to color. color is in the format 0xAARRGGBB

nil sim.decoColor(number r, number g, number b, [number a])

Sets the selected decoration color to r,g,b,a


Same as sim.decoColor()


nil sim.decoLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number r, number g, number b, [number a]], [number tool], [number brush])

Changes the decoration color of all particles in the line specified. rx and ry describe the radius of the brush used. Default radius is 5, 5. tool refers to decoration tools.


Controls the color space used by smudge tool.

colorSpace sim.decoLine()
  • space: The color space, can be one of these constants:
    • DECOSPACE_SRGB: Standard SRGB color space
    • DECOSPACE_LINEAR: Linear color space
    • DECOSPACE_GAMMA22: Gamma 2.2
    • DECOSPACE_GAMMA18: Gamma 1.8
    • NUM_DECOSPACES: The total number of color spaces


type sim.deleteStamp(string name)

Deleting a stamp identified by filename or ID.


number sim.edgeMode()

Returns the current Edge Mode

nil sim.edgeMode(number mode)

Sets the current Edge Mode to mode. 0 means normal, 1 creates a wall all the way round the edge of the simulation.


Interface with the elec map, which is a CELL-sized map used to control powered walls like E-Wall and Detector.

value sim.elecMap(x, y)
sim.elecMap(x, y, value)
sim.elecMap(x, y, w, h, value)
  • value: Elec map value. This is an integer that controls for how many frames wall electricity is active in this cell, 0 if there is no power.
  • x: x position of the cell
  • y: y position of the cell
  • w: width (cell count) of the area to set
  • h: height (cell count) of the area to set


number sim.elementCount(number type)

Returns the number of particles of the specified type in the simulation.


boolean sim.ensureDeterminism()
nil sim.ensureDeterminism(boolean flag)

Fetch or set ensureDeterminism flag. When this flag is set, extra data is included in saves to ensure simulation RNG state is saved, along with other items needed to guarantee proper determinism upon loading the save. This is only useful for debugging, as different builds of the game may do things slightly differently on different machines. Further, Newtonian gravity is not deterministic with this flag enabled even in debugging scenarios.


Interface with the fan velocity map, which is a CELL-sized map used to control fan velocity.

value sim.fanVelocityX(x, y)
sim.fanVelocityX(x, y, value)
sim.fanVelocityX(x, y, w, h, value)
  • value: Fan X velocity, a floating point value
  • x: x position of the cell
  • y: y position of the cell
  • w: width (cell count) of the area to set
  • h: height (cell count) of the area to set


Interface with the fan velocity map, which is a CELL-sized map used to control fan velocity.

value sim.fanVelocityY(x, y)
sim.fanVelocityY(x, y, value)
sim.fanVelocityY(x, y, w, h, value)
  • value: Fan Y velocity, a floating point value
  • x: x position of the cell
  • y: y position of the cell
  • w: width (cell count) of the area to set
  • h: height (cell count) of the area to set


nil sim.floodDeco(number x, number y, number r, number g, number b, number a)

Flood fills the color at position x, y with another color. Note: Color at position includes console overlay.


number sim.floodParts(number x, number y, [number type], [number cm?], [number flag])

Flood fills either the user's currently selected type or the type specified at the coordinates given. flag refers to particle replacement flags.


number sim.floodWalls(number x, number y, [number walltype], [number bm?])

Flood fills either the specified walltype or the type of the basic wall at the specified particle coordinates. Note: the coordinates might change from particle coordinates to map coordinates in the future.


number sim.framerender()
sim.framerender(number frames)

Advances the simulation the given number of frames, even when paused. If called with no arguments, returns the number of frames currently to be rendered. Usually is 0.


number, number sim.getSaveID()

Returns the save ID and the history offset of the currently loaded save or nil if the simulation is not a downloaded save. The history offset can be used with loadSave.


Check the gravity output map, which is a CELL-sized map that controls the output of Newtonian Gravity calculation.

x-strength y-strength sim.gravityField(x, y)
  • x-strength: X strength of the gravity field at this location
  • y-strength: Y strength of the gravity field at this location
  • x: x position of the cell
  • y: y position of the cell


Interface with the gravity input map, which is a CELL-sized map that controls the input to the Newtonian Gravity calculation. The larger the value, the greater the mass / attraction to this location.

strength sim.gravityMass(x, y)
sim.gravityMass(x, y, strength)
sim.gravityMass(x, y, w, h, strength)
  • strength: Strength of the input gravity at this location
  • x: x position of the cell
  • y: y position of the cell
  • w: width (cell count) of the area to set
  • h: height (cell count) of the area to set


DEPRECATED IN 98.0, replaced by sim.gravityMass and sim.gravityField

number sim.gravMap(number x, number y)
nil sim.gravMap(number x, number y, [number width, number height,] number value)

Returns the newtonian gravity at the given coordinates in the simulation. If given a value, will set the newtonian gravity at those coordinates. Width and height refer to the rectangle of affected cells, starting with the coords. If not given, they will default to 1,1.


number sim.gravityGrid()

Returns the current setting for drawing the gravity grid. More of a renderer setting than a simulation setting.

nil sim.gravityGrid(number mode)

Sets the setting for drawing the gravity grid to mode.


number sim.gravityMode()

Returns the current gravity simulation mode.

nil sim.gravityMode(number mode)

Sets the gravity simulation mode to mode.

0 Normal, vertical gravity
1 No gravity
2 Radial gravity
3 Custom gravity (see sim.customGravity)


number sim.gspeed()

Returns the current GoL speed

nil sim.gspeed(number newSpeed)

Sets the current GoL speed. This is the number of frames between GoL updates. Default is one, larger numbers make it slower.


number simulation.hash()

Returns a 32-bit int represending the hash of the simulation's current state. Nearly all state is included, including particles, air, gravity, frame count, and rng state. Frame count's inclusion means that the hash changes every frame, even while paused).


enabled = sim.heatSim()
  • heatSim: boolean flag that specifies whether heat simulation is turned on or off.


boolean simulation.historyForward()

Tries restoring a redo snapshot (ctrl+y). Returns true on success, or false if there is no redo history to restore.


boolean simulation.historyRestore()

Tries restoring a history snapshot (ctrl+z). Returns true on success, or false if there is no history to restore.


type sim.lastUpdatedID()

Returns the last updated particle ID, if the simulation is currently being stepped through particle-by-particle (either using sim.updateUpTo or user input with tpt.setdebug(0x8)). If subframe particle debugging isn't active, returns nil.


table sim.listCustomGol()

Returns a table of all custom game of life types. Each index has a name (string), rulestr (string), rule (number), color1 (number), and color2 (number) property. See sim.addCustomGol for details about properties.


table sim.listStamps()

Returns a table of stamps, in order. Stamp names are 10 characters, with no .stm extention or stamps/ prefix.


nil sim.loadSave(number SaveID, [number hideDescription], [number history?])

Loads the save associated with the specified SaveID. If hideDescription is non zero, the information for the save is not shown.


sim.loadStamp(string filename, number x, number y, [boolean hflip, [number rotation, [boolean includePressure]]])
sim.loadStamp(number id, number x, number y, [boolean hflip, [number rotation, [boolean includePressure]]])

Loads a stamp identified by filename or ID, and places it at position x,y. Filenames should be given without stamps/ or the .stm suffix. On success, returns 1. On failure, returns nil and the failure reason as a string.

The following changes are applied to the stamp before pasting, in this order:

  • if hflip is true, a horizontal flip is applied to the save (same as pressing Shift+R when pasting)
  • if rotation is present, this number of 90-degree counterclockwise rotations are applied to the save (same as pressing R this many times when pasting)
  • if the position x,y is not CELL-aligned, the stamp is pasted with its top left corner at the nearest CELL-aligned position toward negative infinity, and the difference between this position and the requested one is achieved via "nudging" (same as pressing the arrow keys a few times when pasting)


type sim.neighbors(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number type])

Used for iterating through particles in an area centred on the given coordinates (x, y). Radius in the x and y directions is set by rx and ry. Default radius is 2, 2. If type is provided, only particles of the corresponding type will be returned.

The size of the rectangular area is one plus twice the radius, so a radius of 2, 2 gives a 5x5 pixel area centred on x, y. Particles in the centre position x, y are excluded. Only one particle in each position is included, and energy particles (such as photons, neutrons, electrons) are ignored.

Example (i is the index of the neighbouring particle and nx, ny are its coordinates):

for i,nx,ny in sim.neighbors(100,200,1,1) do
 sim.partProperty(i, sim.FIELD_TEMP, 9999)

Or if coordinates of the neighbouring particles are not required:

for i in sim.neighbors(100,200,1,1) do
 sim.partProperty(i, sim.FIELD_TEMP, 9999)


Same as sim.neighbors()


enabled = sim.newtonianGravity()
  • newtonianGravity: boolean flag that specifies whether Newtonian Gravity is turned on or off.


nil sim.partChangeType(number index, number type)

Reliably change the type of a particle, this method avoids the side effects created by changing the type directly with the "partProperty" method.


count = sim.partCount()
  • count: Total count of all particles in the sim.


number sim.partCreate(number index, number x, number y, number type, [number v])

Create a single particle at location x, y. Returns the index of the new particle, or a negative number on failure.

Possible values for index are:

  • -1 : Normal particle creation. This is the most useful value. No particle is created if position x, y is occupied and the requested new particle type cannot pass through the particle that is already there.
  • -2 : Create particle as though it was drawn by the user with the brush(runs the Create function). Usually not useful.
  • -3 : Create particle without checking for collisions with existing particles. In most cases, this is a bad idea, since a lot of elements don't work properly when there are multiple particles in the same place. Particles may also turn into BHOL if there are too many in the same place. The exception to this is elements that have been specifically designed to cope with this (such as multiple energy particles like PHOT and NEUT in the same place).
  • particle index, >= 0 : Overwrite an existing particle with a new particle. At the moment no collision checking is performed, so the same considerations apply as for index=-3. It is usually safe if the new particle is in the same location as the old one. This is roughly equivalent to calling sim.partKill then sim.partCreate(-3, ...).


boolean sim.partExists(number index)

Returns true if a particle exists at a given index.


number sim.partID(number x, number y)

Get the index of a particle at the specified position. As of v89.3, this will return nil if there is no particle there.

Example (though this is probably best done with sim.neighbours):

for fx = -1, 1, 1 do
 for fy = -1, 1, 1 do
  local i = sim.partID(x + fx, y + fy)
  if i~=nil and sim.partProperty(i, 'type') == elements.DEFAULT_PT_DMND then
   sim.partProperty(index, sim.FIELD_TEMP, 9999)


nil sim.partKill(number index)
nil sim.partKill(number x, number y)

Reliably delete a particle at a specified index or location, this method avoids the side effects created by changing the type to 0/DEFAULT_PT_NONE with the "partProperty" method


table sim.partNeighbors(number x, number y, number radius, [number type])

Returns an array of indices of particles that neighbour the given coordinates and match the given type (if it is specified). The resulting array does not contain the particle at the specified position.


Same as sim.partNeighbors()


number x, number y sim.partPosition(number index)

Get the location of the particle at the specified index


nil sim.partProperty(number index, object field, object value)

Set the property value on a particle specified by index

object sim.partProperty(number index, object field)

Get the property value on a particle specified by the index

The "field" may be a field name or field ID, see FIELD constants below for valid fields.


function sim.parts()

Returns an iterator over particle indexes that can be used in lua for loops


flag = sim.paused()
  • flag: Boolean flag that says whether or not the sim is paused.

Checks whether or not the simulation is paused. Processing may also continue if the 'f' framerender shortcut is used, which can last for long periods of time. sim.framerender should be used to check for that


number sim.pmap(number x, number y)

Get the index of the particle at the specified position. Returns nil if there is no particle there. This function is very similar to sim.partID, but excludes energy particles (such as PHOT, NEUT, ELEC).


number sim.photons(number x, number y)

Get the index of the energy particle at the specified position. Returns nil if there is no particle there. This function is very similar to sim.pmap


number sim.pressure(number x, number y)

Returns a value on the pressure map.

nil sim.pressure(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number pressure)

Sets values on the pressure map.


number sim.prettyPowders()
nil sim.prettyPowders(mode)

Sets whether the "pretty powders mode" (powders, such as SAND or BCOL, will be assigned random deco values) is on or off. When called with no arguments, returns a value determining whether it is on or off.


number seed0Lower, number seed0Upper, number seed1Lower, number seed1Upper sim.randomSeed()
nil sim.randomSeed(number seed0Lower, number seed0Upper, number seed1Lower, number seed1Upper)

Retrieve or set the seed used for the Simulation RNG. This RNG is used by TPT to generate random numbers during sim contexts. The renderer RNG and interface RNG are unaffected.

Because seeds are 64 bits, they are fetched/set in two sets of 32 bits integers.


nil sim.reloadSave()

Reloading save.


boolean sim.removeCustomGol(string name)

Removes all custom game of life types with the specified name. Returns true if any were removed.



Resets the gravity field to 0. While this will temporarily stop all Newtonian Gravity output, any changes will regenerate the gravity map based on the gravity sources in the sim.



Resets the pressure map to no pressure.



Same effect as the ctrl+= shortcut. Removes all sparks from the simulation and resets them to .life = 0. SPRK with invalid ctypes are deleted. Also resets all wifi cooldowns.



Resets the temperature of all particles to their spawn temperature.



Resets the air velocity map to 0. This map controls the flow of air. Resetting this will have some effect on particles, but won't stop them in their tracks.


number sim.replaceModeFlags()

Returns the current replace mode flags.

nil sim.replaceModeFlags(number flags)

Sets the replace mode flags.

If the first bit of that number is set (flags = 1), replace mode is enabled.

If the second bit is set (flags = 2), specific delete is enabled.


string sim.saveStamp([number x, number y, number width, number height, [boolean includePressure]])

Creates a stamp of the specified coordinates. Coordinates default to entire simulation. Returns the stamp id created.


table simulation.signs

A table of signs. simulation.signs[1] through simulation.signs[16] are always defined.


  • sim.signs.MAX_SIGNS: The maximum number of signs that can exist at once
  • sim.signs.JUSTMODE_LEFT: Left justification
  • sim.signs.JUSTMODE_MIDDLE: Middle (default) justification
  • sim.signs.JUSTMODE_RIGHT: Right justification
  • sim.signs.JUSTMODE_NONE: No justification, sign won't have any "tail"
  • sim.signs.NUM_JUSTMODES: The number of justification modes


table simulation.signs[n]

A table which always contains the id property. May also contain text, x, y and justification. These properties can be directly modified to change a sign. A justification of 0 means left, 1 means right, 2 means middle and 3 means none. The text property cannot be larger than 45 in length.


nil simulation.signs.delete(number signID)

Deletes the sign at the specified sign id.


number simulation.signs.new([string text, number x, number y, number justification])

Creates a new sign with the specified properties. Returns the sign ID, or nil if there are too many signs (the limit is 16).


nil sim.takeSnapshot()

Takes a undo snapshot, for use with ctrl + z


number sim.temperatureScale()

Returns the current temperature scale. 0 = Kelvin, 1 = Celsuis, 2 = Fahrenheit

nil sim.temperatureScale(number newTemperatureScale)

Sets the current temperature scale. 0 = Kelvin, 1 = Celsuis, 2 = Fahrenheit. Other options are invalid and will throw an error.


type sim.toolBox(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number tool], [number strength])

Performs the given tool (HEAT, COOL, AIR, etc) in a rectangular area.


sim.toolBrush(number x, number y, [number rx], [number ry], [number tool], [number brush], [number strength])

Performs the given tool (HEAT, COOL, AIR, etc) on the given coordinates with the given brush size. The brush types are 0 (circle), 1 (square) and 2 (triangle).


type sim.toolLine(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, [number rx], [number ry], [number tool], [number brush], [number strength])

Performs the given tool (HEAT, COOL, AIR, etc) as if a line was drawn across the given coordinates with the given brush size. The brush types are 0 (circle), 1 (square) and 2 (triangle).


nil sim.updateUpTo([number upTo])

Updates the simulation, but only up to the specified particle ID. Works as if shift+f is pressed while in particle debug mode (tpt.setdebug(0x8)). If no arguments are passed in, updates to the end of the frame.


number sim.velocityX(number x, number y)

Returns an X value on the velocity map.

nil sim.velocityX(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number value)

Sets X values on the velocity map.


number sim.velocityY(number x, number y)

Returns an Y value on the velocity map.

nil sim.velocityY(number x, number y, [number width, number height], number value)

Sets Y values on the velocity map.


Interface with the wall map, which is a CELL-sized map that specifies which walls are at what position.

wallType sim.wallMap(x, y)
sim.wallMap(x, y, wallType)
sim.wallMap(x, y, w, h, wallType)
  • wallType: Wall type to set, wall type will be one of the constants in sim.walls
  • x: x position of the cell
  • y: y position of the cell
  • w: width (cell count) of the area to set
  • h: height (cell count) of the area to set


number sim.waterEqualisation()

Returns the current Water equalisation setting.

nil sim.waterEqualisation(number setting)

Set the Water equalisation setting to setting.


Same as sim.waterEqualisation()


Any of these constants can be accessed with simulation.<constant name here>


X Resolution of the sim


Y Resolution of the sim


Size of a wall / air simulation block


The number of cells in the X direction


The number of cells in the Y direction


The total number of cells in the simulation


No transition, used in *Transition properties


Special transition, used in *Transition properties, but there is no way to set a special transition handler from Lua


Impossible temperature high, used along with NT to disable transitions


Impossible temperature low, used along with NT to disable transitions


Impossible pressure high, used along with NT to disable transitions


Impossible pressure low, used along with NT to disable transitions


Maximum number of element IDs. Does not reflect the current number of elements, only the maximum that can be enabled at one time.


Not actually a constant, this is updated every frame to reflect the current number of particles in the sim. Deprecated by sim.partCount (TODO document that and remove this)


Maximum number of particles that can exist at once


Room temperature (22C), the default temperature for many elements


Maximum allowable temperature of the sim, in Kelvin


Minimum allowable temperature of the sim, in Kelvin


Maximum allowable pressure of the sim


Minimum allowable pressure of the sim


Particle velocity cap


Movement code step value. Particles scan their trajectory and only check for blockers each step.


Air sim related


Number of bits used in pmap to store element type. This controls the element cap, which is 2^PMAPBITS


Mask used to assign type to pmap. ((1<<PMAPBITS)-1)


Used in deco drawing functions



Used in tool drawing functions



Used in sim.partProperty



Used in certain brush drawing functions


Number of default brushes


Number of total brushes, including any custom brushes


Used in sim.edgeMode



Used in sim.airMode



Used in sim.gravityMode




sim.walls is a table containing a mapping of wall IDs to wall identifiers, and wall identifiers to wall IDs. This may come in handy for working with ui.activeTool, which uses identifiers.


Used in .flags property