29-bit Photon Computer (LightPC)

  • dom2mom
    2nd Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink


    @mark2222 (View Post)
    Wow. I am impressed.

    What did you do to my mniip!
  • mark2222
    2nd Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)


    No, I have not had experience in HDLs before. Out of curiosity, which part of the project made you think so?


    Also, if you're referring to the simulator, what makes it seem MSVC-biased? It was written in Code::Blocks xD

  • mniip
    2nd Jul 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @mark2222 (View Post)
    system("pause"); - pause is windows specific
    cin.get() - windowsers use this so that their terminal thingy doesn't close
  • mark2222
    2nd Jul 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)


    Haha yeah I'm quite straight out a Windows user, even the syntax highlighting for LightASM is Windows-specific because it's for the Windows-only Notepad++. Never really found the need or the resolve to switch to Linux >< Sorry if it caused you trouble, I did try to cater to non-Windows users by writing the cross-compiler in Python (as much as I hate the dynamic typing).

  • CeeJayBee
    2nd Jul 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    @mniip (View Post)
    mniip's found a buddy!
  • mark2222
    28th Dec 2014 Member 2 Permalink

    Recently discovered that LightPC can be made significantly faster by using ARAY technology - in particular, a constant time adder is possible (that's significantly smaller than Micro Computer v2.1's). I have some ARAY components (adder, RAM, screen) as proof of concept, PM me if interested. I won't have the time to put them together any time soon, unfortunately.


    I hope this isn't considered bumping, because this seems quite a useful thing to say. Haven't been following TPT much the past few months, though, so I'm sorry if such an ARAY computer has already been implemented (please link me to it if it has!).

  • faptastic
    29th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I always wanted to try this, but had NO CLUE how to go about it. Great job!!!

  • A_Real_Genius
    5th Jan 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I just found out about this! I wish somebody told me; I had no idea you were running tests on my CPU! I'm so happy to see people using it. I just read your zip file- very comprehensive btw and a great mashup. Thank you for putting it together; I would have never known how it stood up to the other guys, or guessed that mine isn't too far behind. Thnaks again, Colin

  • Synergy
    17th Feb 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    This is fantastic. If everyone is still active, I wouldn't mind getting back into PT and re-entering the arms race.


    It would be nice to have a specific goal.

  • QuanTech
    23rd Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Now add the R16K1S60 to the list! 1 instruction per frame!!!