Color GLOW

  • yew101
    25th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    when u use vacuum or blackhole my custom glows glow their color
    but if u use air or Whitehole it glows regula glow color!!
  • yew101
    25th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    any1 tried it yet?
  • yew101
    25th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    ok proper 1 made my some awesome genius
  • MiXih
    25th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    noobs, no better make a color pallette for glow? section with color palette, which choose color for particles. omg, you want make 275678235698o5769 glows?
  • yew101
    25th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    wikku ur such a critic i have never seen any mods made by you, and you find a bad point for everyones mods,etc. For what i know all you do is make TPT "art" for hours which is no what TPT is basically for (creating stuff and havng fun) not 3-4 hours of boredom for a couple votes, although i do think you do a good job it defeats the purpose and name of fun, just draw them on paper and put on a site made for art.

    omg, you want make 275678235698o5769 glows?

    can only have 120 elements, and only want the basic colors
    i now have found a mod by you but what it says on forums there are not that many extra elements and some are not even yours