Creating alloys.

  • h4zardz1
    22nd Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Z3R01215 (View Post)

     exactly. alloy of GOLD+IRON conducts at 2.5 Pixel/Second.

  • Z3R01215
    27th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I think the idea would be to make "types" to all the materials. For example: metl atype(what kind): solid, btemp: (boil temp): - (means not boiling) , mtemp (melting temp): 950, burn temp: - ( means not burining) ,  cspec( conductive 1=conductive 0= not): 1, fspec (fire or not 1=1 pix makes 1 pix of fire, 0= not fire):0, and now you use your fantasy. Whatever you had to code all the matereals to make it working and having its own specs... All you need to put those codes in console and let players edit it on all matereals. Ofcourse i dont know how it works but i think its possible. Im not talking to mix etc CRAY with BOYL but im talking about to make it possible to add its specs to another material so you can get alot of interesting mixes. So you make metl, add in console "!set atype metl boyl" and you get metl in gas state

    Edited 2 times by Z3R01215. Last: 27th Feb 2014
  • PTuniverse
    28th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I haven't read all of this, but isn't it possible to just store the numbers via binary combined number storage?

    For example, 1001 (9 in decimal) means Iron+Metal, because the first 1 means Iron, and the second 1 means Metal. As for the 0s, they don't do anything because they are not in a 1 state to add up to the alloy's properties.

  • agustrusher
    20th Mar 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    This reminds me of how OE-cake has element combination.

    How do they do it then? Are the element combinations pre-set or is there an actual code-combining component?

  • Awesomemanyeah
    21st Jun 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    woww deaddd

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