i have a windows xp (32bit) not sure about graphics controller but triclops had me install a windows c++ visual library or something like that but it didnt help. simon, would this have anything to do with the msvcr file not being there?
I'm still having issues with the flood-fill crashing PT. No error message, but it doesn't save changes to stamps.def either. Seems to happen when I flood when there are photons or neutrons around the target area.
Other than that, quite neat.
EDIT: Yeah, flood-filling with neutrons and photons is screwed up. It seems to put it a few pixels up from where I start flood-filling. Flood-filling with anything else nearby crashes PT without an error message and without updating stamps.def or deleting stdout and stderr.
Why is there a sudden change in pressure when Anti-matter destroys something? (change to Pressure Display, and add AMTR + (any particle) to see what I mean) Also for fuse, yew101 has a good idea of what it should look and act like in his mod.