New Elements

  • outi
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I think that there should be a custom element creator.

    Yeah great idea :D but currently all elements are written in code and have custom functions... This will require a lot of refactoring.
  • Simon
    11th Jul 2010 Administrator 0 Permalink
    I'm going to agree with kamikai and others when they say that a lot of these suggestions are too advanced for the game, A lot of suggestions that are simply elements on the periodic table are not realistic ideas for a game.

    I've been read almost every post in this thread, and there are not many good suggestions,

    The first post in this thread should be an example of the suggestions The Powder Toy wants and needs.
    I'm all for innovative, functional and useful new elements, however i think many PT users on this forum need to step away from the computer, take a deep breath and stop imagining silly elements that they need for the designs that they can see working in their head.

    Ideas like heavy hydrogen, a sodium-potassium alloy, ceramic, sulfur and Lucite I think are just pointless. Users should figure out how to use the powder toy with whats currently there. 70ish elements (including walls) i think is plenty enough. And only when someone has an idea for an element that would actually benefit other users in a practical way, and not just a one off creation of your own that requires slightly tweaked physics for a current element should they then post a reply that states what the elements purpose is and how it will react with the simulator on the forum.

    Just think of poor Simon (and possibly others) who put this forum here to get ideas that could help improve this project, and who now have to read through pages of crap to find the few rare ideas that can actually help them to make a better simulator for us.

  • kamikai
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Thanks Simon, I'm quite proud of that post...
  • Catelite
    11th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I know well enough from working with wxSand that anything resembling a table of elements using particles like this is generally impossible due to the sheer number of possible combinations of elements.

    Speaking of which, is there any chance we could temper glass to make it so it doesn't shatter with pressure? :3 I don't know how feasible it would be or how useful it would prove. I'm wondering for other people's opinions. This can be worked around using negative pressure, but means using L2 to cool it off tends to end up breaking it at the same time due to how elements let pressure through.
  • wouter215
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Simon Disclaimer: I am not willing to advertise, and did not make and/or develope this game.

    Check out the elements there. Maybe you could make glass+mercury like those elements? (Don't ban me for adverting please, because i'm not.) It looks a bit like this:

    i would like to see some soap and bubbles..
  • andrbarlow
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm just curious, what would happen if you turn Black Hole into a powder ?
    Maybe a rubbery substance could be made through magnetic dust.
    Here's what I mean, done in 3D:
    ...and some more:
  • ssc4k
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Not a new element but a modification: LN2 should freeze at -210C.
  • engin33r
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    And my idea may be pretty common, but still, is it possible to do a wall similar to these which block, but instead of blocking make absorbing? See, e.g. a wall that passes liquids, but absorbs powders? Though it is a bit unrealistic, still, I'd _really_ like that to be present in the nearest versions
  • alexthesax
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    WOW, thanks simon for version 37!!!!! plasma, a wall that allows only gases, lightning! and also for adding broken glass to the menu, thanks, i cant wait to start messing around with them.

    EDIT: plasma is AWESOME!!! only word for it!!!
  • kamikai
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    oh my god! 37.0 is awesome!

    plasma not only is functional, it looks absolutely amazing! thunder and gas permeable wall are also interesting and help add another level of diversity and possibilities to the simulator.

    thank you Simon.

    Now the PT has electricity, gas and plasma, should a gas element be created that can be ionized into plasma? Or could the current 'gas' be able to do it? (side note: shouldn't plasma conduct electricity?)
    Not sure what it would involve to code for, but I think it would be an element/process that will not be wasted and PT users would welcome with interest and enthusiasm