@petrol NO! and if u try again, im taking away 300points from u(u dont even have that many, which means ul go into the T-members, or kicked out of the group!
What was about my spelling webb is somthing wrong you making me sad and yelling at me i dont know why have you got a probblem with the queensland floods.do you live in queensalnd?
@petrol webb said lol bout me correcting ur spelling and no u keep asking him its anoying i have a lil brother that does that i hit him some times and then my dad comes in and says why did you hurt him...just dont ask and he wont yell
y would i tell u? sorry but i keep my identity, and living place secret. check the QLD flood forum u made. and if i want some1 to do crisis updates they have to have experience in tpt, someone who iv known for a while, and have to be able to spell, and use G+P