Hmm, looking at the code, there are several things that are new, insulator, stick men and switch for starters. These have been confirmed for the release of v40.0, however i also see smoke, coming in at line 555 and is the 57th and most recent element added, it has been put in the gasses category. Will Smoke be in the official v40.0?
And coming from somebody who know absolutely nothing about coding, reading it i saw in the 'defining list' (or whatever it is called): 1) WIRE (line 512) 2) PLEX (509) 3) DFRM (510)
these names don't seem to have any further coding or information, and appear quite high in the list, whereas all of the new elements are just added to the bottom of it. If anyone has any knowledge on what these are, if they are actually new elements, part of the coding for other elements or abbreviations for current ones (most likely from my perspective), some clarification would be appreciated.
i think there should be 2 humans/ stickmans bc then it can be 2 player... first player has a square head and is played with up,down,right,left keys and second player has a circle head and plays with w,s,d,a keys then just have it where if u click STKM once u put one where u want on the screen and then hit it again to get the second one:")