I agree with Cr15py, we should not limit our size, this rank would be perfect for people that want to learn.
EDIT: I most really want to be a developer, I like making things, take a look at my ECI, took me two weeks off and on work, ah that was so much fun, just need projects.
Hmm ok, I think I have an idea I will raise the bar for being a developer and also create a position PTT Developer Pupil of which there can be an infinite number. To become a developer from a pupil you will have to create a semi-advanced creation, and then make an application to one of the directors.
The role of the second director is mainly to look after things while I'm not there thus increasing the speed and efficiency of the organisation, which is why I would prefer someone from a different timezone. I will not choose director until after all developers +1 have been chosen, then I will choose director from them.
I'm going away on thursday and I will not be able to be on AS MUCH but it should still be adequate as I now have an iPhone :P
EDIT: I didn't want to stream because I didn't want to make it like a test of skill, but the idea of having pupils was great
Ports director will not be the fancy job. It will involve accepting requests for new ports organizing voting for ports and updating the wiki with the new ports.
I can do many things, in the beginning however I would prefer to deal mostly in organization as I feel that if we wish to get everything up and running(users organized, wiki articles completed, lists compiled, etc) in a day or two after initialization we must organize people effectively. I can get things rolling as I have many things already laid out. Afterwards I may wish to take a more... withdrawn position within the organization.
I did make the spark counter, when I was just messing with making faster binary counters, I realized it could work even faster than metal can conduct, so i quickly added a piece of battery to each bit and called it a counter. I'm quite happy with it, and yes it is very robust and reliable.
As for PTT positions, i will take a higher position if offered, I only asked for the wiki job for the sake of convenience (i am already an organizer for it)
Cr15py Would you like me to put you under wiki representative? Ports Director would also be a high administrative position but would require more long term work.