lolzy You would know... But I think yours will win, maybe even against the "real" Power rangers. Or you could become friends with them and be called "The Powder Rangers".
pilojo Weyland Yutani made time travel before your substance was disturbed then they time traveled to the time before your substance ripped the universe. since they are a part of roguewater they gave me this tech. and time traveled before your quantum leap to the 5th deminsion
roguegeneral-- Ahha! but thats where your wrong. As soon as i stop going light speed... aka let go of the liquid ill be forced back to the 3rd dimension which has repaired a small bit and i go to the time travel machine all the way back and... you get it right?
roguegeneral-- Screw god... in stephen hawkings words....There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority [imposed dogma, faith], [as opposed to] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works.