On another note, I have an idea for a 6 quark system. Up Quark (UQRK): Increases pressure and temperature around it Down Quark (DQRK): Decreases pressure and temperature around it Strange Quark (SQRK): Acts like ???? (possibly with a wider area of effect, like the rest of these quarks) Charm Quark (CQRK): Stops reactions around it Bottom Quark (BQRK): Down Quark, but more so Top Quark (TQRK): Up Quark, but more so All move like Neutrons/Quarks as suggested by antb.
On another note, I have an idea for a 6 quark system. Up Quark (UQRK): Increases pressure and temperature around it Down Quark (DQRK): Decreases pressure and temperature around it Strange Quark (SQRK): Acts like ???? (possibly with a wider area of effect, like the rest of these quarks) Charm Quark (CQRK): Stops reactions around it Bottom Quark (BQRK): Down Quark, but more so Top Quark (TQRK): Up Quark, but more so All move like Neutrons/Quarks as suggested by antb.
NOOOOOOOO! this is exactly why I wanted to avoid Quarks lol
What should ???? be called? Unobtanium? XD
???? is called ???? :P its called PT_RNDM in the source but it isn't actually random so I can't really put that lol
TensaiKashou has successfully killed the QRKS name anyway (I'll be honest, I was hoping somebody would because it would come up sooner or later.
Currently considering RMRP (Random Moving Random Particleiser) lol
if pure quark matter could be easily obtained, than under normal condition would they actually do anything? i would think that they would just become normal matter again...
Got nearly all the changes implemented, still can't find the code for photon movement >.< and I'm changing the if statements into a single function lookup-table.
Anyone want to help with getting the photon movement code?
if(t==PT_PHOT) { float r = (rand()%3-1)*3; float a = (rand()%3-1)*3; parts[i].life = 680; if(a==0.0f&&r==0.0f) { parts[i].life = 0; parts[i].type = PT_NONE; return -1; } else { parts[i].vx = a; parts[i].vy = r; } } is the movement, a and r are either 3, 0 or -3, so there are limited paths for it to move on. if both are 0, the photon is killed.