Neutron Reaction

  • wouter215
    31st Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    if you are going with quarks, than if 2 "quarks" toutch they sould for a random particle
  • TensaiKashou
    31st Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    What should ???? be called?
    Unobtanium? XD

    On another note, I have an idea for a 6 quark system.
    Up Quark (UQRK): Increases pressure and temperature around it
    Down Quark (DQRK): Decreases pressure and temperature around it
    Strange Quark (SQRK): Acts like ???? (possibly with a wider area of effect, like the rest of these quarks)
    Charm Quark (CQRK): Stops reactions around it
    Bottom Quark (BQRK): Down Quark, but more so
    Top Quark (TQRK): Up Quark, but more so
    All move like Neutrons/Quarks as suggested by antb.
  • lolzy
    31st Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Unfortunely this takes up too much space in the menu. I think it will be generalised.
  • Xenocide
    31st Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    On another note, I have an idea for a 6 quark system.
    Up Quark (UQRK): Increases pressure and temperature around it
    Down Quark (DQRK): Decreases pressure and temperature around it
    Strange Quark (SQRK): Acts like ???? (possibly with a wider area of effect, like the rest of these quarks)
    Charm Quark (CQRK): Stops reactions around it
    Bottom Quark (BQRK): Down Quark, but more so
    Top Quark (TQRK): Up Quark, but more so
    All move like Neutrons/Quarks as suggested by antb.

    NOOOOOOOO! this is exactly why I wanted to avoid Quarks lol
    What should ???? be called?
    Unobtanium? XD

    ???? is called ???? :P its called PT_RNDM in the source but it isn't actually random so I can't really put that lol

    TensaiKashou has successfully killed the QRKS name anyway (I'll be honest, I was hoping somebody would because it would come up sooner or later.

    Currently considering RMRP (Random Moving Random Particleiser) lol

    edit: or PRTC (PaRTicle Changer)
  • ZebraineZ
    31st Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Yay :D All hail neutrons, god of all particles! Or should we say Quarks :P
  • HolyExLxF
    31st Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Call it HBOS for the yet-undiscovered Higgs Boson.
  • kamikai
    31st Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    if pure quark matter could be easily obtained, than under normal condition would they actually do anything?
    i would think that they would just become normal matter again...
  • Xenocide
    31st Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Got nearly all the changes implemented, still can't find the code for photon movement >.< and I'm changing the if statements into a single function lookup-table.

    Anyone want to help with getting the photon movement code?
  • Pilihp64
    31st Aug 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    float r = (rand()%3-1)*3;
    float a = (rand()%3-1)*3;
    parts[i].life = 680;
    parts[i].life = 0;
    parts[i].type = PT_NONE;
    return -1;
    parts[i].vx = a;
    parts[i].vy = r;
    is the movement, a and r are either 3, 0 or -3, so there are limited paths for it to move on. if both are 0, the photon is killed.
  • Xenocide
    31st Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    thanks ^^

    edit @ 0056 GMT+0100(BST)

    Aborting the lookup table, I'm getting errors in perfectly good code because of it