@Anmol444 I don't make much creations or logos, but heat stamping is a good way of stopping this. Simply going to heat mode and cooling, or heat a letter or number could show the creator. It's like watermarking.
@frankomisko I made it before yours... The reason that it says that it is newer is because I updated it due to the fact that I added a message and made a few adjustments. The original, which had the wifi transceivers that you stole, was made a l----o----n----g time before you made yours. Thus, I prove you guilty.
@Lockheedmartin I informed him on his thread for his (copied from mine) creation, that I was going to post on the Stealers thread that he stole the wifi transceivers. I then came over here and made the post... Here we are now. If you look in the past saves of my creation, you will see that mine was made a good deal of time before his. I would have been fine with the creation staying, if he admitted to copying and then credited me on the creation... But now his save should be deleted, because the stolen wifi transceivers make up 50% of the work AND he denied stealing it... Thx
Hope your doing well Lock! And Thx again for helping with this! :D
@Neospector LOL :D I actually do say that to people a lot, so I wasn't sucking up... But lol, because now that I look at it, it actually looks like I am sucking up rofl XD...