What we need are blocks similar to WIFI/portals in that their properties are changed by temperature.
*temperature changes note *SPRK from NSCN causes note to play *solid *NOTE *plays, say, about 40 different notes from .wav files over 3 octaves. *higher temps have different drum noises *can play multiple sounds at once *indestructible aside from BOMB, SING, etc *similar to Minecraft's Note Blocks
This would be really good because people would be able to create songs, and also they could make little tones for when something in their insanely complicated machine is finished, or sounds for the little LCRY mini-games we're seeing now. Like a deep tone when you lose a life, perhaps, or as background music for your 'dodge the cars' game? Maybe as a tone for a doorbell in a model house?
The tones should either be just tones, 8 bit bleeps or a piano key type noise. Also, simulations should have a little speaker icon next to the preview to show that the simulation contains sound, and to instruct the user to un-mute the system, should it be muted, to hear them...
I'd try and program this but my computer seems to hate the Powder source code ATM, and I don't know how to get the sounds.
But this thread's idea of 'music' is horrendous...