I loved the old version of TPT.I spent my noob years on it, back when I didn't know there was a forum.I still have the version that has no plant or acid, when the copy right was for 2008-2009. good old times... If it has acid, it is not really the old old one. I remember getting the old version from the old site, then one day it was gone (sad face). but I'm still happy because i still have it.
@roguegeneral--(View Post) If that was something in the past, then I would not have participated. I only found out there was a community late last year/early this year. Before that I only thought of the powder toy as another one of those apps that I would download when I was bored. eventually I really got into the powder toy.
The only issue I ever had with the old one was the small brush size... but It was very fast, probably because it has less elements then the current one. Ever since mid- february I have been addicted to TPT and have played it every day since. I almost can't imagine not being in the community... wait, I can't imagine it at all... because it isn't going to happen.