No, Portal should stay in radioactive because the most conceivable means of Teleportation is Quantum Entanglement, and I feel that elements that rely on quantum properties should be in the Radioactive section, also Special is quite full, so you're only making things worse. Otherwise +1 EDIT: Also, if they were moved we would only have 2 special places left. 3 if you moved INSL out.
we either need to make much more electronic space, or open up another electronics section. EDIT: maybe the second section should be for switches (SWCH, PCLN, LCRY, HSWC, etc.) and wifi and aray, so everything besides wires.
shroom207 WTF? Of course I know electronics is full! Don't chirp me. You have to think of more than electronics. He never said move anything to electronics so I didn't complain. I can't believe how fucking rude you are.
@dgreen sorry but he is a complete moron i was just saying and he cusses me out he is very rude he downs everything i say too its really pathetic @cr15py i would consider reading the rules before being a troll or you could just get banned or something sir i would go do this before you get in trouble sir.
Before i ask someone with the power to close this thread, to do so please stop flaming. Macwierdo, thanks, but that isnt constructive. Does any one have any ideas?